Impressions from Meeting Point

Professor Sinclair Gair (left), Institute for Energy & Environment, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, promoting the 4th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC-IV), September 2011

Luca Petruzzi, R&D Manager, Arcotronics Technologies S.r.l., Sasso Marconi (BO), Italy
Arcotronics Technologies S.r.l. was exhibiting at HANNOVER FAIR in 2003, '04, '05, '06, '07

Carmen M. Rangel, Research Coordinator, Head of Electro Chemisty of Materials Unit, Institutio Nacional de Engenharia, Technoligia e Inovacao, Lisboa, Portugal. INETI was exhibiting at HANNOVER FAIR in
2003, '04, '05, '06

Ved Singh, Chief Research Manager, Research & Development Centre, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Haryana, India
Indian Oil Corporation Limited will be (together with: International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Banaras Hindu University, Society of Indian Automobile Manufactures) organizing the World Hydrogen Technology Conference 2009 in New Delhi, India.

Dr. Eng. Fathi M. Abusaa, Applied Mechanical - Corrosion, 7th October University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Misurata, Lybia
Title of Arno's Presentation:
"How Hydrogen and Fuel Cells can conquer the
international marketplace!"