| Advanced Applications Engineer Fuel Cell Components Program | 3M Corporate Enterprise Development | USA | St. Paul | MN |
| Director New Business Development | 3M France | France | Cergy Pontoise Cedex | |
| Manager, Fuel Cell Components Program | 3M Research and Development | USA | St. Paul | MN |
| CEO | 3P-Energy GmbH | Germany | Schwerin | |
| CEO | 3P-Energy GmbH | Germany | Schwerin | |
| CEO | 3P-Energy GmbH | Germany | Schwerin | |
| Projektleiter | 4Wind GmbH | Germany | Eckernf?rde | |
| Managing Director | A&B [G.Vasslliou) LTD - Electro-Mechanical Services | Cyprus | Nicosia | |
| Handlungsbevollm?chtigter Produktbetreuung Kleinentwicklungen | ABB Stotz-Kontakt GmbH | Germany | Heidelberg | |
| Projektmanager | Abraxas Medien | Germany | Bremen | |
| CTO | Accagen Sa | Switzerland | Massagno | |
| Director | ACME Tele Power Pvt. Ltd. | India | New Delhi | |
| Director General | Actel S.A. - Societate de Cercetare Proiectare S,I Executie | Romania | Bucuresti | |
| Consultant, Advanced Electric Transport, Hydrogen Economy & Fuell Cell Applications | Advanced Electric Transports | France | Paris | |
| Engineer, Economist | Agri Contact | Denmark | Hundested | |
| CEO | AGT Srl | Italy | Roma | |
| Deputy General Manager Technology Development Center Electro Electric Systems | Ahyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. | South Korea | Ulsan | |
| Managing Director, Gesch?ftsf?hrer | AIR Application Innovation Rescarch Fertigung-Technologie GmbH | Germany | Hohen Luckow | |
| Developer Hydrogen Energy | Air Liquide | France | Paris Cedex 07 | |
| Responsable Produit Hydrog?ne | Air Liquide - Marketing Clients Industriels | France | Paris Cedex 07 | |
| Manager Technology Application Engineering Powerplant | Airbus Deutschland GMBH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Technology Application Engineering Powerplant | Airbus Deutschland GMBH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| New Technologies R&D Director, PEM Fuel Cell Technologies | AJUSA Grupo HMS | Spain | Albacete | |
| Mech. Power Eng. Dept. | AL Azhar University Faculty of Engineering | Egypt | | |
| Group Leader, Ceramic Engineering | Alberta Research Council | Canada | Edmonton, Alberta | AB |
| Venture Manager | Alberta Research Council | Canada | Edmonton, Alberta | AB |
| Chief Operating Officer | Aldwich Enviro-Management Sdn Bhd | Malaysia | Puchong, Selangor | |
| Marketing & Communications Engineer | Alldata | Italy | Cinisello B.MO (MI) | |
| President | Alphea Zentrum f?r Wasserstofftechnologie | France | Forbach | |
| Mechanical Engineer | AMC Science & Technology Center - Europe | Germany | Mainz-Kastel | |
| Director of Sales & Marketing | Ametek Rotron - Technical & Industrial products | USA | Kent | OH |
| | Apgenco - Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd. | India | Ibrahimpatnam | |
| Secretaria y Tesoreria | APPICE Spanish Fuel Cell Association | Spain | Madrid | |
| European Representative | Arbin (Europe) GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Chief Engineer, Chief Scientist, CEO | Arbin Instruments | USA | College Station | TX |
| Sales Engineer | Arbin Instruments | USA | College Station | TX |
| General Manager | Arcotronics Fuel Cells s.r.l. | Italy | Sasso Marconi | |
| Electrical Distribution Systems Leiter Gesch?ftsentwlcklung Europa Dezentrale Energieversorgung | AREVA Energietechnik GmbH | Germany | Bremen | |
| Product Manager | ARi Industries J nc. | USA | Addison | IL |
| Director General | Ashoor Electric Motors | Saudi Arabia | Jeddah | |
| | ASTRIS SPOL.SR.O. - Research and Development of Fuel Cells | Czech Republic | Vlasim | |
| President | Astris Energi, Inc. | Canada | Mississauga | ON |
| Research and Development | Astris Spol. SR.O. | Czech Republic | Ceska Lipa | |
| Manager | Astris Spol. SR.O.- Research and Development of Fuel Cells | Czech Republic | Vlasim | |
| Product Line Manager Hydrogen Sensor Modules | Atmi GmbH | Germany | Hohenschaftlarn | |
| Sales and Marketing Director | Axane Fuel Cell Systems, Grenoble Agglomeration - Aor Liquide/Axane | France | Sassenage | |
| Managing Director | Az Trading Company ( W.L.L.) Engineers & Suppliers | Kuwait | Safat | |
| Chefredaktion | B & I | Germany | Iserlohn | |
| Mitglied der Chefredaktion | B & T | Germany | Ziemetshausen | |
| Mechanical Designer | Ballard Power Systems | Canada | Burnaby | BC |
| Communications | Ballard Power Systems AG | Germany | Kirchheim/Teck-Nabern | |
| Manager, Research Initiatives | Ballard Power Systems Inc. Stack Research and Development | Canada | Burnaby | BC |
| Business Development Manager | Ballast Nedam - International Product Management | The Netherlands | Leerdam | |
| Manager | Baosteel Trading Europe GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Manager Maintenance Department | Barez Tires - Kerman Tire & Rubber Company | lran | Kerman | |
| Forschung Katalyse Katalysatortr?ger | BASF Aktiengesellschaft The Chemical Company | Germany | Ludwigshafen | |
| Senior Expert Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces | Bayer Technology Services GmbH | Germany | Leverkusen | |
| Sales Manager | Benefitek Co., Ltd. | Taiwan R.O.C. | Taipei | |
| Wirtschaftsredakteur | Berliner Morgenpost - Ullstein Gmbh | Germany | Berlin | |
| Research & Development Dpt. New business and organisation manager | Besel S.A. Consultores T?cnicos | Spain | Madrid | |
| Research & Development Dept. Scientific Area Manager | Besel S.A. Consultores T?cnicos | Spain | Boecillo/Valladolid | |
| Research & Development Dpt. Director | Besel S.A. Consultores T?cnicos | Spain | Madrid | |
| EU Regulation & Public Affairs Manager | BG Group - MicroGen | United Kingdom | Reading | |
| Betriebswirt | BIGS - Bluck Industrial Graphic Service | Germany | Gelsenkirchen | |
| Journalist | Bj?rkman Media Consulting | Germany | Berlin | |
| Marketing | BLEICHERT F?rderanlagen GmbH | Germany | Osterburken | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Bohncke GmbH | Germany | Wallbach | |
| General Manager | Bord na M?na Energy Limited | Ireland | Mayo | |
| Vice-Director | Boreskov Institute of Catalysis | Russian Federation | Novosibirsk | |
| Leiter Marketing | Bosch Rexroth AG | Germany | Elchingen | |
| Gesandter - Leiter der Wirtschafts- und Handelsabteilung | Botschaft von Rum?nien | Germany | Berlin | |
| Unternehmensleitung | Brandl Maschinenbau | Germany | Pfeffenhausen | |
| Redaktion | Brennstoffzellen Magazin (BZM) Henrich Publikationen GmbH | Germany | Gilching | |
| Chefredakteur | Brennstoffzellen Magazin (BZM) - Henrich Publikationen GmbH | Germany | Gilching | |
| | Brevini Riduttori SPA | Italy | Reggio Emilia | |
| Gruppenleiter Entwicklung Technologie K?ltetechnik Produktbereich K?lte | BSH - Bosch und Siemens Hausger?te Gmbh | Germany | Giengen | |
| Ministerialdirektor | Bundesministerium f?r Bildung und Forschung | Germany | Bonn | |
| Regierungsdirektor | Bundesministerium f?r Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit | Germany | Berlin | |
| Regierungsdirektor Leiter des Referates IV A 2 | Bundesministerium f?r Wirtschaft und Arbeit | Germany | Berlin | |
| Staatssekret | Bundesministerium f?r wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung | Germany | Berlin | |
| | Bundesverband B?rgerinitiativen Umweltschutz | Germany | Bonn | |
| Landtagsabgeordneter Niedersachsen | B?ndnis 90 Die Gr?nen | Germany | Hannover | |
| Application Manager | B?rkert GmbH & Co, KG | Germany | Egelsbach | |
| Segment Manager | B?rkert Gmbh & Co. KG | Germany | Ingelfingen | |
| Beratung - Verkauf-lmport | BVI Magnetprodukte | Germany | Dortmund | |
| Area Sales Manager | C.C. Jensen NS -CJC Oil Filter Systems | Denmark | Svendborg | |
| Fuel Cell System Architecture & Components Electrical Systems Engineering | C.R.F.Societa Consortile per Azioni | Italy | Orbassano (TO) | |
| General Manager Energy Materials | Cabot Corporation | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Program Leader High Temperature Fuel Cell and Electrocatalyst Development Energy Materials | Cabot Corporation Superior MicroPowders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Program Leader Hydrogen Air Fuel Cells and Electrocatalyst Development Energy Materials | Cabot Corporation Superior MicroPowders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Manager, New Business Development | Cabot Corporation Superior MicroPowders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Manager of R&D Energy Materials | Cabot Corporation Superior MicroPowders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| General Manager Leader, Materials Innovation | Cabot Corporation Superior MicroPowders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Sales and Marketing Assistant Printable Electronics and Displays | Cabot Superior Micro Powders | USA | Albuquerque | NM |
| Principal | Capgemini U.S. LLC | USA | Atlanta | GA |
| Technical Director | CASALE CHEMICALS S.A. | Swilzerland | Lugano | |
| Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Project Manager | CEA | France | Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex | |
| Managing Director | Cefival | France | Persan | |
| Product Manager New Business | CEKA Elektrowerkzeuge AG+Co. KG | Switzerland | Wattwil | |
| Management of Technology & Energy Alternatives Superintendent | CEMIG Companhia Energ?tica de Minas Gerais | Brasil | Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais | |
| Ger?ncia de Tecnologia e Alternativas Energ?icas Engenheiro | CEMIG Companhia Energ?tica de Minas Gerais | Brasil | Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais | |
| ELectrochemicat Hydrogen Technology | Centre for Sobar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wuerttemberg | Germany | Ulm | |
| Sistemi Elettronici, Controllo di Sistemi | Centro Ricerche Fiat | Italy | Orbassano (TO) | |
| Dpto. Acci?n Empresarial | Cepyme Cantabria | Spain | Santander | |
| Executive Director | Cepyme Cantabria - Association of Employers | Spain | Santander | |
| Customer Support; Process and Materials | Ceram | The Netherlands | Breda | |
| Chief Technology Officer | Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited | Australia | Noble Park, Victoria | |
| Business Development Representative | Ceramic Fuel Cells Limited | United Kingdom | London | |
| Proprietor | Champion Extrusions | India | Bangalore | |
| President | Chin Woo Technology Corporation - Magnequench International Korea Office | South Korea | Jungwon-gu Sungnam city, Gyunggido | |
| | China Great Wall Industry (H.K.) Corp. Ltd. | P.R. China | Connaught Rd.C., Hong Kong | |
| Vice President, Investments | Chrysalix Energy Management Inc. | Canada | Vancouver | BC |
| | Citon / Sigma SS SRL | Romania | Bucharest | |
| R & D Manager | Ci-Topia Co., Ltd. - Computerized Integration Technology | South Korea | Geumcheon-Gu, Seoul | |
| D?l?gu? R?gional | CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | France | Nancy Cedex | |
| St. Scientist/Group Leader | Columbian Chemicals Company | USA | Marietta | GA |
| Director - Business Development | Columbian Chemicals Company | USA | Marietta | GA |
| | Comercial Miver S.L. | Spain | Elda (Alicante) | |
| General Manager | Communica Building | South Africa | Centurion | |
| (FH) - Ceng. | Concept-Project H2Projects | Germany | Bertin | |
| Consultant | Consline AG | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Executive Editor | Controll Engineering | USA | Oak Brook | IL |
| Bereichsleiter Ravensburg | Controlmatic - Gesellschaft f?r Automation und Elektrotechnik mbH | Germany | Ravensburg | |
| Sales & Marketing Consultant | Cosmopolitan Clothing AG | Germany | Traunstein | |
| Chemical Engineer RES & Hydrogen Technologies Section | CRES - Centre for Renewable Energy Sources | Greece | Pikermi, Attiki | |
| Project Manager Electric Systems | CRF Centro Ricerche Fiat - Nuvera Fuel Cells | Italy | Orbassano (To) | |
| | Cugurcan - Elektrik M?hendislik Sanayi Ticaret Ltd. Sti. | Turkey | Etiler/Istanbul | |
| Associate Business Development | Cytos Biotechnology AG | Switzerland | Z?rich-Schlieren | |
| Account Manager Long Manufacturing | Dana Canada Corporation | Canada | Burlington | ON |
| Principal Engineer, Advanced Product Design Long Manufacturing | Dana Corporation | Canada | Oakville | ON |
| Director - Fuel Cell Products | Dana Corporation | Canada | Oakville | ON |
| Director - Fuel Cell Business Development Systems Integration & Advanced Engineering | Dana Corporation Engine & Fluid Management Group | USA | Rochester Hills | MI |
| Product Development Engineering Long Manufacturing | Dana Corporation Thermal Products | Canada | Oakville | ON |
| Technical Account Manager Germany | Dana GMBH - Engine and Fluid Management Group System Integration & Advanced Engineering | Germany | Neu-Ulm | |
| Project Manager Fuel Cell Development | Dana Sealing Products - Victor Reinz Reinz-Dichtungs-GMBH | Germany | Neu Ulm | |
| Manager Entwicklung Brennstoffzelle | Dana Sealing Products - Victor Reinz Reinz-Dichtungs-GmbH | Germany | Neu-Ulm | |
| B.Sc., Elec. & Diploma in Econ. Regional Manager Industrial Controls | Danfoss A/S | Denmark | Nordborg | |
| Technical Manager | Dayhim Farafan Co. | lran | Tehran | |
| Director | Decroly | Spain | Santander | |
| Advanced Engineer | Delixi Electrical Equipment Stock Coltd | P.R. China | Zhejiang | |
| Vice G.engineer / Senior engineer | Delixi Group Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | Zhejiang | |
| Projektierung | Deutsche EXlDE GmbH Industrial Energy Central Europe | Germany | B?dingen | |
| Reporter | Deutsche Welle TV | Germany | Berlin | |
| Vorstandsmitglied / Board Member | Deutscher Wasserstoff verband e.V. | Germany | Berlin | |
| Ehrenvorsitzender des Vorstandes | Deutscher Wasserstoff Verband e.V. German Hydrogen Association | Germany | Bruchk?bel | |
| Repr?sentatin der Deutschen Messe AG in Griechenland und in Zypern | Deutsch-Griechische | Greece | Athen | |
| Wirtschaftsredakteur | Die Welt - Axel Springer Vellag AG | Germany | Berlin | |
| Regional Manager and Editor European Manager | Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide | Germany | Ostfildern | |
| Surge Arresters Production Manager | Dissan Disjonkt?r Salt Cihazlari VE Elektromekanik San. VE TIC. A.S. | Turkey | Izmit | |
| Design Manager | Dissan Switchgear Equipments and Electromechanical Industry and Trade Co. | Turkey | Izmit | |
| Design Manager | Dissan Switchgear Equiptments & Electromechanical Industry & Trade Co. Elimsan group of companies - | Turkey | Uzuntarla, Izmit | |
| Development Manager | District de Forbach | France | Forbach Cedex | |
| | DLR - German Aerospace Center Institute of Technical Thermodynamics | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Projektleiter Polymerelektrolyt Brennstoffzellen (PEFC/DMFC) | DLR Deutsches Institut f?r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| | DLR Institut f?r Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Institut f?r Fahrzeugkonzepte | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Managing Director | Dmt GmbH | Germany | Holzgerlingen | |
| | Drossbach N.A. Inc. | Canada | Trenton | ON |
| Project Manager Engineering Services Division | DSTA - Defence Science & Technology Agency | Singapore | Singapore | |
| Programme Manager Engineering Services Division | DSTA - Defence Science & Technology Agency | Singapore | Singapore | |
| Business Manager Europe, MEA / Global Business Manager DMFC Fuel Cells | Du Pont de Nemours International S.A. | Switzerland | Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva | |
| Purchase Director | Durst Phototechnik AG | Italy | Brixen | |
| Vorstandsmitglied / Board Member | DWV - Deutscher Wasserstoff Verband e.V. | Germany | Berlin | |
| Account director | Dynamo Marketing Communications | United Kingdom | Hallow, Worcester | |
| | E2M Consulting | Germany | Berlin | |
| DaimlerChrysler Forschung und Technologie Elektrochemische Technik FT1/ET | EADS Dornier GmbH | Germany | Friedrichshafen | |
| Business Development Manager | EAE Elektrik A.S. | Turkey | TR IstanbuI | |
| Projektleiter Brennstoffzellentechnologie | EAM EnergiePlus GmbH | Germany | Kassel | |
| Leiter des Ausbildungszentrums | EAZ - Elektro-Ausbildungszentrum Aalen e.V. | Germany | Aalen | |
| Vorsitzender | EAZ Elektro-Ausbildungszentrum Aalen e.V. | Germany | Aalen | |
| Energy Long Term Scenarios Engineer | EDF R&D - ECO-Efficiency and Industrial Process | France | Moret Sur Loing Cedex | |
| Power Supply Systems Unit Sales & Marketing Manager | EFACEC Sistemas de Electronica, S.A. | Portugal | Moreira Maia | |
| Physicist | Eichhoff GmbH | Germany | Schlitz | |
| Vertriebsleiter/Sales Manager | ELDIS Ehmki & Schmid OHG | Germany | Unterschleissheim | |
| | Electrochemical Research Group | Libya | Tripoli | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Elektro Bauelemente | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Research Department | Elektrokarbon | Slovakia | Topolcany | |
| Samostatny Konstrukt?r-projektant PKV | Elektrokarbon A.s. | Slovakia | Topolcany | |
| Director | Elektrolites Power PVT. LTD. | India | Jaipur | |
| Fachjournalist | Elektropraktiker - Huss Medien GmbH | Germany | Berlin | |
| Projektmanager Integrierte Kommunikation | Elektropraktiker Huss-Medien GmbH | Germany | Berlin | |
| Engineer | Elementenergy | United Kingdom | Cambridge | |
| T?cnico | Eletrosul - Empresa Transmissora de Energia | Poland | | |
| General Manager | Elimsan - Hydrogen Energy Systems Co. | Turkey | Uzuntada, Izmit | |
| Switchgear Production Manager | Elimsan group of companies | Turkey | Uzuntarla | |
| General Manager | Elimsan group of companies | Turkey | Uzuntada | |
| Chairman of the Board | Elimsan group of companies - Hidrener Hydrogen Energy Systems Co. | Turkey | Uzuntarta | |
| Vice-Director for Marketing | Elinta UAB | Lithuania | Kaunas-31 | |
| Director Marketing | Emco Limited | India | Thane | |
| Fuel Cell Business Development, Technological Development | Enel Produzione - Recerca | Italy | Pisa | |
| Project Manager Civil Works | Enercon GmbH | Germany | Bremen | |
| Gesch?ftsbereichsleiter Erzeugung | Energie AG Ober?sterreich | Austria | Gmunden | |
| Chef-Redakteur | Energieportal24.de | Germany | Lemgo | |
| Fachbereichsleiter E/MSR-Technik | Energietechnik GmbH | Germany | K?ln | |
| Responsabile Relazioni Esterne | EnerTAD S.p.A. | Italy | Milano | |
| | Enertech Solutions Ltd. | United Kingdom | East Grinstead | |
| Director, Fuel Cells | Engelhard Corporation | USA | Iselin | NJ |
| Manager Catalyst Development & QC Process Technology Group | Engelhard Italiana S.p.A. | Italy | Rome | |
| Fuel Cell Control Systems | Enkat A Division Of Hydrogenics Corporation | Germany | Gelsenkirchen | |
| Engineering Manager | Entegris Europe GmbH | Germany | Bad Rappenau | |
| Maschinenwerkstatt | EON Westfalen Weser AG | Germany | Kirchlengern | |
| General Manager | E-P Equipment Co., Ltd | P.R. China | Hangzhou | |
| President | Epoch - Yu Chuan Technology Enterprise Co., Ltd. | Taiwan R.O.C. | Kaohsiung | |
| Project Manager | Epoch - Yu Chuan Technology Enterprise Co., Ltd. | Taiwan R.O.C. | Kaohsiung Taiwan 824 | |
| | EPS Consulting & Engineering | Germany | Hamm | |
| | ERGONIA S.A. | Greece | Milos Island | |
| | Esoro AG | Switzerland | F?llanden | |
| Projektledare | ETC - Battery and FuelCells Sweden AB | Sweden | Nol | |
| Deputy Editor Corporate Location | Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC | United Kingdom | London | |
| Chairman of Executive Board | European Business Council for Sustainable Energy | Germany | Darmstadt | |
| | European Comission Jout Res. Centre | The Netherlands | Pette | |
| Joint Research Centre | European Commission - D JRC - IE | The Netherlands | Petten | |
| Principal Scientific Officer | European Commission - Directorate-General for Energy and Transport | Belgium | Bruxalles/ Brussel | |
| Managing Director | European Fuel Cell GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Manager System Integration | European Fuel Cell GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Produktmanager | European Fuel Cell GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Referentin Wirtschaftspolitik | European Office VDMA | Belgium | Brussels | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hreT | Eventselling | Germany | Ederm?nde | |
| | Evimp Project on Behalf of the Commission of the European Union | Germany | Frankfurt | |
| Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | eVionyx, Inc. | USA | Hawthorne | NY |
| Redakteur Pressesprecher | EWE Aktiengesellschaft | Germany | Oldenburg | |
| Leiter Kompetenzzentrum | Fach Hochschule L?beck - Kompetenzzentrum Wasserstoff-und Brennstoffzellentechnologie | Germany | L?beck | |
| Prodekan Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Volkswirtschaftslehre | Fachhochschule Erfurt University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Erfurt | |
| | Fachhochschule Konstanz - FB Maschinenbau Konstruktion und Verfahrenstechnik | Germany | Konstanz | |
| Fachbereich Physikalische Technik | Fachhochschule Wiesbaden - University of Applied Sciences | Germany | R?sselsheim | |
| Process Engineer | FAL - Federal Agricultural Research Centre | Germany | Braunschweig | |
| Project Division | FC EXPO Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd. | Japan | Tokyo | |
| Senior Project Engineer | FCT Fuel Cell Test and Evaluation Center | USA | Johnstown | PA |
| Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | FfE Forschungsstelle f?r Energiewirtschaft e.V. | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | FfE Forschungsstelle f?r Energiewirtschaft e.V. | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Projekt-Manager | FFE Forschungsstelle f?r Energiewirtschaft e.V. | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Mitglied der Agenturleitung | Fink & Fuchs Public Relations AG | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| Sales Engineer University Program | Fluent Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Darmstadt | |
| Ltr. Instandhaltung | Fluorchemie Dohna GmbH | Germany | Dohna | |
| Major of Forbach | Forbach Porte de France - Communaut? d'Asglom?ration | France | Forbach Cedex | |
| Team Leader Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technology | Ford Forschungszentrum Aachen GmbH | Germany | Aachen | |
| Gesch?ftsstellenleiter | ForschungsAllianz BrennstoffZellen Baden-W?rttemberg - FABZ | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Institut f?r Werkstoffe und Verfahren der Energietechnik (IWV) | Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | J?lich | |
| Engineer | Forschungszentrum J?lich GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | J?lich | |
| Institut f?r Werkstoffe und Verfahren der Energietechnik (IWV) | Forschungszentrum J?lich GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | J?lich | |
| Projektleiter Brennstoffzelle (PBZ) | Forschungszentrum J?lich GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | J?lich | |
| Projekttr?ger Energie, Technologie, Nachhaltigkeit | Forschungszentrum J?lich in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | D?sseldorf | |
| Head of Flow and Combustion Engineering Division | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | Karlsruhe | |
| Nationale Fachkontaktstelle f?r Produktion | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft | Germany | Kadsruhe | |
| Project Leader | Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Institut f?r Kern-und Energietechnik (IKET) | Germany | Karlsruhe | |
| Berater | Framatome ANP GmbH | Germany | Erlangen | |
| Wirtschaftsredakteur | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Abteilung Technologiemanagement | Fraunhofer Institut IPT Institut Produktionstechnologie | Germany | Aachen | |
| Bevollm?chtigter Berater der Institutsleitung | Fraunhofer Institut Informations-und Datenverarbeitung | Germany | Karlsruhe | |
| | Fraunhofer Institut Produktionstechnologie | Germany | Aachen | |
| Marketing | Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems - ISE | Germany | Freiburg | |
| Leitender Ministerialrat, Referatsleiter Wirtschaft, Finanzen und Infrastruktur | Freistaat Th?ringen - Th?ringer Staatskanzlei | Germany | Erfurt | |
| Referat Au?enwirtschaft/ Absatzf?rderung | Freistaat Th?ringen Ministerium f?r Wirtschaft Arbeit und Infrastruktur | Germany | Erfurt | |
| Market Manager Critical HVAC | Freudenberg Vliesstoffe KG | Germany | Weinheim | |
| Technical Support Manager Nigeria Division | Frigoglass Group | Greece | Athens | |
| Vertriebsleitung Deutschland Sales Manager Germany | Fronius Deutschland GMBH | Germany | Melsungen | |
| Project Management Fuel Cell | Fronius International GMBH | Austria | Wels-Thalheim | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrender Gesellschafter | Fuel Cell Ceramic GmbH | Germany | St. Wolfgang | |
| Managing Director | Fuel Cell Markets Ltd. | United Kingdom | Iver, Bucks | |
| Sales Manager | Fuel Cell Markets Ltd. | United Kingdom | Iver, Bucks | |
| Chief Financial Officer | Fuel Cell Technologies Ltd. | Canada | Kingston | ON |
| Marketing/Market Research | Fuel Cell Today | United Kingdom | London | |
| Chief Executive | Fuel Cells UK - Synnogy | United Kingdom | Thorpe Waterville, Northants | |
| Vorstand CEO | FuelCon AG | Germany | Magdeburg-Barleben | |
| General Manager | FuelCon Systems Inc. | Canada | Vancouver | BC |
| | Fukui Byora Co., Ltd. | Japan | Fukui | |
| R&D Manager | Fumatech GmbH - Funktionelle Membranen und Anlagentechnologie | Germany | St. Ingbert | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Fumatech GmbH - Funktionelle Membranen und Anlagentechnologie | Germany | St. Ingbert | |
| Marketing Department | Fuyuan Century Fuel Cell Power Co. Ltd. | P.R. China | Beijing | |
| Program Manager Authorised Secretary | Gaskatel GmbH | Germany | Kassel | |
| Project Manager, Cogeneration/Power Sytems | Gastec Certification BV | The Netherlands | Apeldoorn | |
| Director Sales Energy-Controlling | GA-Tec Geb?ude-und Anlagentechnik GMBH | Germany | Heidelberg | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Gatron GmbH Transformatorgase, Messen und Bewerten | Germany | Greifswald | |
| Engineer | Gaz de France - Research & Development Division | France | Saint- Denis la Plaine cedex | |
| Director Marketing / Communications & Govemment Affairs Europe | GE Wind Energy GmbH | Germany | Salzbergen | |
| System Engineer | General Hydrogen Corporation | Canada | Richmond | ON |
| General Director | General Technics | Morocco | Casablanca | |
| Marketing and Sales Manager | Genius Communication System Co., Ltd. | Thailand | Nakornprathom | |
| | Geschka & Partner Unternehmensberatung | Germany | Darmstadt | |
| Leitung Mobilit | GIS gemeinn?tzige Gesellschaft f?r integrative Sozialdienste mbH | Germany | Hannover | |
| Chairman of the Board of Directors | GKH-Leasing Company | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| | GLR - Solucoes em Neg?cios | Brazil | Barra da Tijuca. Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
| Sales Manager | Graphit Kropfm?hl AG | Germany | Hauzenberg | |
| Product Eng. | Grupo Electrocell - Fuel cells | Brazil | Butanta - Sao Paulo | |
| Development Director | H2 Logic - MiniHYDROGEN Aps | Denmark | Ikast | |
| Board Member | H2Forumg The Swedish Gas Association | Sweden | Stockholm | |
| Director | H2IT Fuel Cell Association | Italy | Milan | |
| Lecturer M.Sc. (Eng. | H?me Polytechnic - Faculty of Technology / Environmental Technology | Finland | Hameenlinna | |
| Team Leader, Fuel Cell Development Team R & D Center | Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. | South Korea | Daejeon | |
| Research Engineer Fuel Cell Development Team R & D Center | Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. | South Korea | Daejeon | |
| Senior Manager | Hannover Fairs China Ltd Shanghai | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| Design Engineer | Heatric | United Kingdom | Dorset | |
| | Heinrich Hering GmbH - Fenster, Rolladen, Markisen | Germany | Mudenbach | |
| | Helbio S.A. | Greece | Athens | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer Managing Director | Heliocentris Energiesysteme GmbH | Germany | Berlin | |
| Systems Department Manager | Helion Fuel Cell Maker | France | Aix-en-Provenoe Cedex 4 | |
| Wissens-und Technologietransfer Hochschulregion S?dhessen | Hessisches Ministerium f?r Wissenschaft und Kunst | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| Regenerative Energiesysteme | HEW Hamburgische Electricit?ts-Werke AG | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Director af Marketing and Sales | Hexion B.V. | The Netherlands | Arnhem | |
| Scientific Leader/Fuel Cell Development | HIAT Hydrogen - Institute of Applied Technologies gGrnbH | Germany | Schwerin | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | HIAT Hydrogen Institute of Applied Technologies gGmbH | Germany | Schwerin | |
| Fachbereich Lebensmittel technologie/Biotechnologie/ Verfahrens-und Umwelttechnik | Hochschule Anhalt (FH) - Hochschule f?r angewandte Wissenschaften | Germany | K?then | |
| | Hochschule f?r Kunst & Design Burg Giebichenstein | Germany | Halle/Saale | |
| Chief Engineer Engineering Research Department R3 | Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Tochigi R&D Center | Japan | Tochigi | |
| Engineering Research Department R3 | Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Tochigi R&D Center | Japan | Tochigi | |
| Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin | HTA Luzern- Hochschule f?r Technik + Architektur - Institut f?r Produktentwicklung | Switzerland | Horw | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | H-Tec Wasserstoff-Energie-Systeme GmbH | Germany | L?beck | |
| Leiter Marketing | H-TEC Wasserstoff-Energie-Systeme GmbH | Germany | L?beck | |
| Produktion | h-tec Wasserstoff-Energie-Systeme GmbH - Hydrogen Energy Systems | Germany | L?beck | |
| Geschaftsf?hrender Gesellschafter | H?ttenberger Produktionstechnik Martin GmbH | Germany | Langg?ns | |
| Leiter Prozessentwicklung | H?ttenberger Produktionstechnik Martin GmbH | Germany | Langg?ns | |
| President | HWA Seong Trading | South Korea | Ansan-City, Kyunggi- Do | |
| Marketing Director | Hydro Electrolysers | Norway | Notodden | |
| | Hydrogeit | Germany | Kremmen | |
| Business Development Manager Hydrogen New Energy | Hydrogen Energi As - Institute for Energy Technology | Norway | Oslo | |
| Editor & Publisher | Hydrogen Fuel Cell Letter | USA | Rhinecliff | NY |
| Chief Executive Officer | Hydrogen Power Inc. | USA | Seattle | WA |
| Vice President, Capital Finance | Hydrogen Power Inc. | USA | Seattle | WA |
| Sales Manager | Hydrogenics | Canada | Mississauga, Ontario | ON |
| V.P. Business Development Sales & Marketing | Hydrogenics Corporation | Canada | Mississauga | ON |
| Director of Technology | Hydrogenics Corporation | Canada | Mississauga | ON |
| President and CEO | HyRadix Inc. | USA | Des Plaines | IL |
| Vice President, Business Development | HyRadix Inc. | USA | Des Plaines | IL |
| | Hysec International | India | Secunderabad | |
| Manager Technology Development Center Electro Electric Systems | Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. | South Korea | Ulsan | |
| Vice President | I.S.T. International, Inc. | USA | Hollywood | FL |
| Technical Sales | IAC industrial automation & control (Pty)Ltd. | South Africa | Centurion | |
| General Manager | IAC Industrial Automotive & Control (Pty)Ltd. | South Africa | Centurion | |
| | Icon Publishers | The Netherlands | Leusden | |
| | Icon Publishers | The Netherlands | Leusden | |
| Head of Department | ICPE - A Research Institute for Electrical Engineering - New Energy Sources Laboratory | Romania | Bucharest | |
| Diplom-Chemiker | ICT - Frauenhofer Institut Chemische Technologie | Germany | Pfinztal/Berghausen | |
| Senior Vice President Sales and Marketing | Ida Tech, LLC | USA | Bend | OR |
| President & Chief Executive Officer | IdaTech, LLC | USA | Bend | OR |
| Founder, Senior Vice President Chief Technology Officer | Idatech, LLC | USA | Bend | OR |
| Project Manager | IEV ttz Bremerhaven Institut f?r Energie-und Verfahrenstechnik | Germany | Bremerhaven | |
| President | IF, LLC - The Art of the Possible in Hydrogen | USA | Boca Raion | FL |
| | IKE Institut f?r Kernenergetik & Energiesysteme Universit?t Stuttgart | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| | IKT Institut f?r Kunststofftechnologie - Universit?t Stuttgart | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Projektmanager | IMG Institut f?r Maschinen, Antriebe und elektronische Ger?tetechnik gGmbH | Germany | Nordhausen | |
| Diplom-Ingenieur Gruppenleiter Verfahrenstechnik und heterogene Katalyse | IMM - Institut f?r Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH | Germany | Mainz | |
| Chemical Process Engineering Process Engineering and Heterogeneous Catalysis | IMM Institut f?r Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH- Chemical Process Technology | Germany | Mainz | |
| Director Sales & Marketing Europe | IMW Industries Ltd. | Canada | Chilliweck | B.C. |
| Innovationsmanagement | INA-Schaeffler KG | Germany | Herzogenaurach | |
| Wissensmanagement | INA-Schaeffler KG | Germany | Herzogenaurach | |
| Umwelt - Area Manager | Indo-German Chamber of Commerce Deutsch Indische Handelskammer | India | Mumbai, Bombay | |
| Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Energy Lab. Innovative Energy Technology Division | Industrial Technology Research Institute - Energy & Resources Laboratories | Taiwan R.O.C. | Chutung, Hsinchu | |
| Journaliste Ind?pendant | Industrie & Technologies - La Forge - Cetim-Informations | France | Paris | |
| Journaliste | Industries et Technologies | France | Neyron | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer Innovation und Umwelt/International | Industrie-und Handelskammer Ostth?ringen zu Gera | Germany | Gera | |
| Senior Industry Sector Officer Manufacturing Industries Branch | Industry Canada | Canada | Moncton | NB |
| PEMCoat Research Scientist | INEOS Chlor Enterprises Limited | United Kingdom | Runcorn | |
| Research Coordinator - Head of Electrochemistry of Materials Unit | Ineti - Instituto Nacional de Engenharia, Technologia e Inovacao | Portugal | Lisboa | |
| | Infatec GmbH - Ingenieurb?ro f?r Automatisierungstechnik | Germany | Hannover | |
| Editor | Infomedia - Search The Industrial Sourcebook | India | Mumbai | |
| Leiter Business Development Division Energien | Infraserv GmbH & Co H?chst KG | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Projektleiter Business Development Division Energien | Infraserv Gmbh & Co. H?chst KG | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Head of Business Development Division Energien | Infraserv GmbH & Co. H?chst KG | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Leitung Marketing | InfraServ Wiesbaden Technik GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| | Ingenieurb?ro J. D?hler | Germany | Leipzig | |
| | InnCrea Ltd. | Turkey | Etiler/Istanbul | |
| Engineering Development Manager | Innova Engineering Consulting | Spain | PU?OL (Valencia) | |
| Engeneering Manager | Innova Engineering Consulting | Spain | PU?OL (Valencia) | |
| Prokuristin Abteilungsleiterin Marketing | Institut f?r Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH | Germany | Mainz | |
| | Institute of Automotive Engineering - Wuhan University of Technology | P.R. China | Wuhan | |
| | Instytut Gornictwa Naftowego I Gazownictwa OIL and GAS Institute | Poland | Warszawa | |
| Managing Director Business Development | Intelligent Energy | United Kingdom | London | |
| Consultant - Business Development | International Innovation Services Ltd | United Kingdom | Sheffield | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Intervect Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Eppingen | |
| President & CEO PowerWade Business Unit | InventQjaya Sdn Bhd | Malaysia | Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan | |
| Commercial Manager | IOP Publishing | United Kingdom | Temple Back Bristol | |
| Chemical Engineer | IPM - Ballast Nedam | The Netherlands | Leerdam | |
| Electrician Engineer | ?sloft | Iceland | Reykjavik | |
| Managing Director | Isotech | Italy | Vicenza | |
| Chief Procurement Officer | ISTC International Science and Technology Center | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| Associate Professor Chief Science Coordinator | ISTC International Science and Technology Center | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| Handelsfachwirt Marketing und Vertrieb | J.G.Dahmen & Co. GmbH + Co. KG | Germany | Iserlohn | |
| Deputy General Manager | JSW - The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. - D?sseldorf Office | Germany | D?sseldorf | |
| | KAMUE Kommunikations-Agentur Medien Umwelt Energie KG | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Senior Researcher, Environmental Materials Research Center R & D Division | Katech Korea Automotive Technology Institute | South Korea | Chungnam | |
| Technische Gesch?ftsleitung | Kiffe Engineering GmbH | Germany | Villingen | |
| Sales Support Engineer HTL | KNF Flodos - Innovative Technology Worldwide | Switzerland | Sursee | |
| Head of Sales and Marketing | KNF Flodos AG - Innovative Technology Worldwide | Switzerland | Sursee | |
| Produktmanager FI?ssigkeitspumpen | KNF Neuberger GmbH - Membranpumpen und Systeme | Germany | Freiburg | |
| Member of the Managing Board | Koncar Electrical Engineering Institute | Croatia | Zagreb | |
| Manager Business Development Team I | Korea GAS Corporation - Office of Technology & Project Planning | South Korea | Kyunggi | |
| Assistant Manager, R & P Department | Koyo Seiko Co., Ltd. - European Technical Centre | The Netherlands | Almere | |
| Maintenance Manager | Lacroix + Kress GmbH | Germany | Bad Arolsen | |
| Industrial Informatic Specialist | Lafarge Cement A.S. | Czech Republic | C?zkovice | |
| IC Foreman | Lafarge Cement A.S. | Czech Republic | C?zkovice | |
| Regierungssprecher | Land Brandenburg - Staatskanzlei | Germany | Potsdam | |
| | Landeshauptstadt Hannover Fachbereich Bauen-Hochbau | Germany | Hannover | |
| Principal | Langenberg & Company Industrial Sector Research | USA | Oak Park | IL |
| Project Manager | LB Systemtechnik GmbH | Germany | Ottobrunnen | |
| Director Comercial | LC Power - Lu?s Carneiro Solucoes de Energia, S.A. | Portugal | Leca da Palmeira | |
| Agente | Leitner | Italy | Portico DI Caserta (CE) | |
| Director | Lestari Intan SDN.BHD. | Malaysia | Bandar Baru Bangi | |
| Senior Research Engineer Corporate R&D | LG Chem | South Korea | Daejeon | |
| General Manager & Head of LGTCE | LG Technology Center Europe | Germany | Neuss | |
| A Chief Clerk | LG-Caltex Oil Corp. - Energy Leader | South Korea | Daejeon | |
| Coordinator Research and Technology Development | Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GMBH | Germany | Lindenberg | |
| Executive Director Hydrogen Solutions | Linde AG | Germany | H?llriegelskreuth/Germany | |
| Supply Head of Advanced Customer Applications | Linde Gas AG | Germany | H?llriegelskreuth | |
| Leiter Anwendungstechnik K?ln | Linde Gas AG | Germany | K?ln | |
| Leiter Anwendungstechnik Vertriebszentrum Hamburg | Linde Gas AG | Germany | Hamburg | |
| | L?sch-O-Mat, Palleske Feuerschutz | Germany | Gl?cksstadt | |
| | LV High-Tech Agencies | Germany | Asendorf | |
| | M. Torres Dise?os Industriales, SA | Spain | Torres de Elorz (Navarra) | |
| Director | Magnasia Corporation | Taiwan R.O.C. | Taipei | |
| Produktmanager Brennstoffzelte | MAGNUM Automatisierungstechnik GmbH | Germany | Darmstadt | |
| Senior Konferenz Managerin | Management Circle AG | Germany | Eschborn/ Ts. | |
| Gebietsleiter Nord | Mankenberg GmbH | Germany | L?beck | |
| | Marathon Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. | Turkey | Okmeydani/Istanbul | |
| Presidente Amministratore Delegato | Masautomazione | Italy | Segrate (MI) | |
| Produktmanager / Product Manager | Masterflex AG - Brennstoffzellentechnik | Germany | Herten | |
| Business Manager | Mastervolt Germany GmbH | Germany | Gelnhausen | |
| | MAX-Planck-Institut f?r Festk?rperforschung - Abt. Maier, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter | Max-Planck-lnstitut f?r Gravitationsphysik Albert-Einstein-Institut | Germany | Hannover | |
| Press Co-ordinator | Media Services Europe - Asia | Germany | Augsburg | |
| President | Mehmet Gazioglu - Aluminum & Machinery Industries | Turkey | Yakaclk, Istanbul | |
| Marketing & Communication Support | MESA - Manufacturas El?ctrias, S.A. | Spain | Mungia (Vizcaya) | |
| Electrical Engineer Components Sales Manager | MES-DEA SA | Switzerland | Stabio | |
| Chemical Engineer R & D Fuel Cells | MES-DEA SA Divisione Energie Alternative | Switzerland | Stabio | |
| | Meta MIX Ltd. | Bulgaria | Sofia | |
| Program Manager, Market Development | Methanex Corporation | Canada | Vancouver | B.C. |
| Redakteurin | MI Verlag Moderne Industrie | Germany | Landsberg | |
| Special Technologies | Micronas GmbH | Germany | Freiburg | |
| Sales Manager | Microtherm International N.V. | Belgium | Sint-Niklaas | |
| Qualifizierungsingenieur | Mikutta Engineering | Germany | Roth | |
| | Ministerium f?r Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr des Landes Schleswig-Holstein | Germany | Kiel | |
| Secretary of State | Ministry Economy and Commerce | Romania | Bucharest | |
| Program Coordinator | Ministry of Industry and Comerce | Romania | Bucure | |
| Assistant Manager Sourcing Development & Purchasing Section Purchasing Department | Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Energy & Public Infrastructure Systems Center | Japan | Kobe | |
| Marketing Manager Power Semiconductors Semiconductor Business Unit | Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. | Germany | Ratingen | |
| | MK & Associates | United Kingdom | Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire | |
| Director | Modison Metals Limited | India | Mumbai | |
| Production Manager | Moeller Electric Ireland Ltd. | Ireland | Dublin 11 | |
| Business Development Manager | Morgan Fuel Cell | United Kingdom | Bromborough | |
| Marketing / Product Development | Moteurs Leroy-Somer - Usine de Sillac | France | Angoulle'Me Cedex | |
| Administrator | Mouvement des Entreprises de France - MEDEF de l'Est Parisien | France | Rosny-sous-bois Cedex | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | MSR Metall-Spezialrohr GMBH | Germany | Schwerte | |
| Senior Manager, New Applloations | MTU CFC Solutions GmbH | Germany | M?nchen | |
| President and Chief Executive Officer | MTU CFC Solutions GmbH | Germany | Munich | |
| Member of the Management Board | MTU CFC Solutions GmbH | Germany | Munich | |
| Manager, Marketing and Sales | MTU CFC Solutions GmbH | Germany | Munich | |
| Project Manager Project Center PEM Fuel Cells | MTU Friedrichshafen Gmbh | Germany | Friedrichshafen | |
| Project Manager Project Center PEM - Fuel Cells | MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH | Germany | Friedrichshafen | |
| Produktmanagement AS-Interface | Murrelektronik GmbH | Germany | Oppenweiler | |
| Superintendent O&M-Operation | National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. | India | Jyothinagar - Karimnagar | |
| Dy. Chief Design Engineer (Mechanical) Project Engineering | National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd. Engineering Office Complex | India | Noida | |
| Manager R&D Technology | NEG Micon A/S | Denmark | Randers | |
| Thermal Power Plant Manager | NeKa Power Generation Management Co. | Iran | | |
| Project Manager | Net Plan - Telecomunica??es, Lda | Portugal | Lisboa | |
| Advisor | Nettb?ss | Norway | | |
| Siv. Ok. | New Energy Systems A/S | Norway | Lysaker | |
| Manager Business Development | Nexus Global | The Netherlands | Arnhem | |
| Process Engineer | Nexus Global | The Netherlands | Postbus | |
| Directeur Technique | N-GHY - Chief Technology Officer | France | ALBI Cedex 9 | |
| Chairman and CEO | N-GHY - Fuel Processors for Fuel Cells, S.A. | France | ALBI Cedex 9 | |
| Ing?nieur d'?tude | N-GHY - Process engineering, prototype design | France | ALBI Cedex 9 | |
| Manager Corporate Project E | NGK Insulators, Ltd. | Japan | Nagoya | |
| Director & Corporate Project E Leader | NGK Insulators, Ltd. | Japan | Nagoya | |
| Leiter des Referates Technologiepolitik | Nieders?chsisches Ministerium f?r Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr | Germany | Hannover | |
| | Nigde University Makina M?h. B?l?m? | Turkey | Nigde | |
| | Nimsum Autotech | India | Pune | |
| Vice President Head of Hydrogen | Norsk Hydro ASA | Norway | Oslo | |
| Repr?sentant Deutsche Messe AG Schweiz/Liechtenstein | Novafair AG - Deutsche Messe AG | Switzerland | Niederweningen | |
| | Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc | Czech Republic | PSC | |
| Platform Leader Hydrogen Systems | Nuvera Fuel Cells | Italy | Milano | |
| Business Development Manager | Nuvera Fuel Cells | Italy | Milano | |
| Director, Marketing Communications | Nuvera Fuel Cells | USA | Cambridge | MA |
| Vice President | Nuvera Fuel Cells | USA | Cambridge | MA |
| Executive Director Business Development and Strategic R & D | Nuvera Fuel Cells | USA | Cambridge | MA |
| Director | Office National de l'Electricit | Morocco | Casahlanca | |
| Account Manager | Oscar Chiaradia Expo | The Netherlands | Amstenrade | |
| Redakteur, Editor | ?sterreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag GmbH | Germany | Landsberg | |
| Assistant Executive Engineer | P.S.E.B. - Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Plant | India | Punjab | |
| Vice Chairman of the Board | PBS - Paykar Bonyan Sanat Co. | Iran | Tehran | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | PEM Precise Electrochemical Machining - Technologiegesellschaft | Germany | Dillingen/ Saar | |
| Corporate Communications Technology & Environment | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | Germany | Kronberg im Taunus | |
| President & CEO | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Chemical Engineer | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| VP Finance and Administration | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Market Development Manager | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Senior Scientist | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | USA | Troy | NY |
| Chief Technology Officer | Pemeas GmbH - Fuel Cell Technologies | USA | Murray Hill | NJ |
| | Peter Sauber Agentur - Messen, Ausstellungen, Kongresse | Germany | Gerlingen | |
| Technical Adviser | Petr?leo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras, Gas Power & BU | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro | RJ |
| General Manager | PFW Technologies GmbH | Germany | Speyer | |
| Power Supply Specialist | Philips Consumer Electronics - BCU TV Innovation Lab | The Netherlands | Eindhoven | |
| Vorsitzender des Vorstands, Dipl.- Chemiker, Consultant Forschungsdir., Lehrbeauftragter | Physikalischer Verein | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| | Pirelli Labs - Materiais Innovation | Italy | Milano | |
| Scientist | Pirelli Labs - Materials Innovation | Italy | Milano | |
| | Planet GbR - Planungsgruppe Energie und Technik | Germany | Oldenburg | |
| Regional Sales Manager | Plug Power Holland BV | The Netherlands | Apeldoorn | |
| Chief Technology Officer | Plug Power Inc. | USA | Latham | NY |
| Director of Sales | Plug Power Inc. | USA | Latham | NY |
| Vice President & Chief Scientist | Plug Power Inc. | USA | New York | NJ |
| | PM Proton Motor | Germany | Starnberg | |
| | PM Proton Motor | USA | Owings Mills | MD |
| Head of Sales | PM Proton Motor Fuell Cell GmbH | Germany | Starnberg | |
| Head of Electrical Department Polyamide | Polyamide High Performance GmbH | Germany | Obernburg | |
| Associated Professor | Polytechnic University of Bucharest Faculty of Energetic Power Plant Department | Romania | Bucharest | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer/ Managing Director | P?tz & Sand - Monheimer Ketten- und Metallwaren-Industrie GmbH & Co.KG | Germany | Stolberg | |
| Managing Director | Power Instruments Pte Ltd | Singapore | Singapore | |
| After Sales Support | Power Systems | Greece | Metamorfosi Attika | |
| Editor | Power Technology | Italy | | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer Technik | PowerPlus Technologies GmbH | Germany | Remscheid | |
| President | Praj Industries Limited - ESD Engineering Software Division | India | Pune | |
| Product Manager Packaged Gases | Praxair Espa?a, S.L. | Spain | Madrid | |
| Diplom-Chemiker Verkauf Industriegase Anwendungstechnik | Praxair GmbH | Germany | Rhein am Biebesheim | |
| Journalist | Presseb?ro Europa | Germany | Hannover | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | PRO SIM Ingenieurb?ro GmbH - Ram Systeme | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Head of Business Development | Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH | Germany | Starnberg | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer / CEO | Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH | Germany | Starnberg | |
| Director of Advanced Technology | Protonex Technology Corporation | USA | Southborough | MA |
| CEO | Protonex Technology Corporation | USA | Southborough | MA |
| Automotive Science & Advanced Research | PSA Peugeot Citroen | France | V?lizy-Villacoublay Cedex | |
| Fuel Cell Development | PSFU GmbH - Profil Schleif-, Fertigungs- und Umwelttechnik GmbH | Germany | Wernigerode | |
| Regional Sales Manager Business Development and Marketing | QuestAir Technologies | Canada | Burnaby | BC |
| Manager, Sales and Distribution Channels Sales and Marketing | QuestAir Technologies, Inc. | Canada | Burnaby | BC |
| Director, Corporate Development and External Communication | QuestAir Technologies, Inc. | Canada | Burnaby | BC |
| | QuinTech e.K. | Germany | G?ppingen | |
| Chairman and Chief Executive Officer | r.bourgeois | France | Besan?on Cedex | |
| Afdelingsleder | RAH Service a/s | Denmark | Ringkobing | |
| Assistant Engineer | Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd. | India | Ramgarh-Jaisalmer | |
| Sales Director | Renewable Energy World James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd | United Kingdom | London | |
| Riyadh Branch Manager | Riyadh Branch AKTE | Saudi Arabia | Riyadh | |
| Journalist | Rochlitzer | Germany | Dortmund | |
| Director | Rockwell Automation AG | Switzerland | Aarau | |
| Technical Marketing Specialist | Rohm and Haas Company | Belgium | Grimbergen | |
| Chief Scientist Professor, D.Sc. (Physics & Maths) | Russian Federal Nuclear Center - VNIIEF | Russian Federation | Nizhnigy Novgorod Reg | |
| | Russian Nuclear Center | Russian Federation | | |
| Editor in chief Local branch | Russian State Television and Radio Company | Russian Federation | St-Petersburg | |
| New Business Development | R?tgers Chemicals AG | Germany | Duisburg | |
| Systementwicklung | RWE Fuel Cells GmbH | Germany | Mechernich | |
| Conseiller Technique | S.A.T.M. Soci?t? Africaine de Technologie et de Management | Germany | Berlin | |
| Directeur G?n?ral | S.M.R.I. - Societe Marocaine de Realisations Industrielles | Morocco | Casablanca | |
| | S++ Simulation Services | Germany | Schwerin | |
| | Sabrow HI-Tech Equipment & Automations Limited | Nigeria | Port Harcourt | |
| Scientific Advisor | Saes Getters S.p.A. | Italy | Lainete (MI) | |
| Metallurgy & Materials Lab. Corporate R&D Laboratories | Saes Getters S.p.A. | Italy | Lainate, Milan | |
| Market Segment Manager Energy Controls | Saia-Burgess Dreieich GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | Oldenburg | |
| Techno-Marketing Project Leader | Saint-Gobain C.R.E.E. | France | Cavaillon Cedex | |
| Member of Research Staff Materials and Devices Lab. | Samsung - SAIT | South Korea | Suwon | |
| Member of Tech. Staff Materials and Devices Lab | Samsung - SAIT | South Korea | Yongin-Si, Gyeonggi-Do | |
| Manager Planning Group | Samsung Corning Precision Glass Co., Ltd. | South Korea | Asan-City, ChungNam | |
| Senior Scientist | Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. | Germany | Berlin | |
| General Manager | Saran Tejarat Spadana (S.T.S.) | Iran | Tehran | |
| Projektleiter Vertrieb Geb?ude / Energie | Schneider Electric GmbH | Germany | Ratingen | |
| Secretary General, Deputy Dean Associate Professor | School of Automotive Engineering Wuhan University of Technology Hubei Electric Vehicle Committee | P.R. China | Wuhan | |
| Leiter Marketing/Vertriebskoordination | SCHOTT Electronic Packaging GmbH | Germany | Landshut | |
| Leitung Vertrieb & Marketing | Schroff Gmbh | Germany | Straubenhardt | |
| Leitung Produktentwicklung | Schroff GmbH | Germany | Straubenhardt | |
| Product Manager | Schroff GmbH | Germany | Straubenhardt | |
| CNC Programmierung, Schulungen Externe-und Werkstattprogrammierung Personaldienstleistungen | Schulz & Freiberger GbR | Germany | D?sseldorf | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Schunk Ingenieurkeramik GmbH | Germany | Willich-M?nchheide II | |
| Forschung und Entwicklung Brennstoffzellenkomponenten | Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH | Germany | Heuchelheim | |
| Research and Development Project Manager Fuel Cell Components | Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH | Germany | Heuchelheim | |
| Head of Basic Research and Development | Schunk Kohlenstofftechnik GmbH | Germany | Heuchelheim | |
| Director Strategic Development | Schunk Materials GmbH | Germany | Heuchelheim | |
| Botschaftsrat Handel, Landwirtschaft, Verkehr | Schweizerische Botschaft | Germany | Berlin | |
| Director | Sci-Tech International ApS | Denmark | Hoersholm | |
| Leiter Projektmanagement | SCM-Ges. f?r Projektmanagement u. Kommunikationsmarketing mbH | Germany | Marburg | |
| Vice Chief Engineer, Senior Engineer | Seari Group Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| New Business Manager | SEC Industrial Battery Co. Ltd. | United Kingdom | Iver, Bucks | |
| Development | SFC Smart Fuel Cell AG | Germany | BrunnthaI- Nord | |
| Director Sales & Marketing Europe Fuel Cell Components | SGL CARBON Group - SGL TECHNOLOGIES GmbH | Germany | Meitingen | |
| Account Manager Fuel Cell Components | SGL Carbon Group - Technic Inc. | USA | St. Marys | PA |
| Director Technical Sales + Service Fuel Cell Components | SGL Carbon Group - Technologies GmbH | Germany | Meitingen | |
| Marketing & Sales Associate Senior Manager Fuel Cell Components / Asia New Technologies Business | SGL Carbon Japan Ltd. | Japan | Kawagoe, Saitama | |
| Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo | SGS future s.r.I. | Italy | Cavalese | |
| Director of the Board General Manager | Shanghai Aton Electric Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | | |
| Engineer | Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| General Manager | Shanghai M. Wave M&E Technology Development Co, , Ltd | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| Director ? General Manager | Shanghai Najie Electric Complete Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | | |
| General Manager, Professorship Senior Engineer | Shanghai SEC Modern Traffic Equipment Co., Ltd | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| | Shanghai Sun Shine Environmental Sci-tech Service Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| | Shanghai Sun Shine Environmental Sci-tech Service Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | SH-Schneewei? GmbH | Germany | Westerheim | |
| Vorstand, Director | Sieb & Meyer AG | Germany | L?neburg | |
| Sales & Marketing Director | SIEL S.p.A. I | Italy | Trezzano Rosa (Milan) | |
| Product Manager ET200 PLC | Siemens AG | Germany | N?rnberg | |
| | Siemens AG | Germany | Bremen | |
| Produktmanager Chromatrographie | Siemens AG Automation & Drives Process Instrumentation & Analytics | Germany | Karlsruhe | |
| President Power Transmission and Distribution - Service | Siemens AG Power Transmission and Distribution | Germany | N?rnberg | |
| President, Stationary Fuel Cells | Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation | USA | Pittsburgh | PA |
| Manager | Sinduflex - Sistemas Industriais Flex?veis, Lda. | Portugal | Cacia | |
| Vice Director, Senior Engineer | Sinotechmart - China Technology Market Management & Promotion Center | P.R. China | Beijing | |
| Director, Researcher | Sinotechmart - China Technology Market Management & Promotion Center | P.R. China | Beijing | |
| Senior Engineer | Sinotechmart - China Technology Market Management & Promotion Center | P.R. China | Beijing | |
| Programer Manager, Engineer | Sinotechmart - China Technology Market Management & Promotion Center | P.R. China | Beijing | |
| Research Engineer, CRD R&D Center | SK Corporation | South Korea | Daejeon | |
| Research Engineer Battery Development Team | SKCco., Ltd. | South Korea | Kyonggi- do | |
| Sales Manager Europe | Smalltimesmedia - Big News in Small Tech. | Germany | F?rth | |
| VP Sales and Business Development | Smalltimesmedia - Big News in Small Tech. | USA | Ann Arbor | MI |
| Gesch?ftsf?hrer | Smart Dolphin GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Salesmanagement | Smart Dolphin GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Technical Sales & Distribution | Smart Electronic Development GMBH | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Executive Director | SNC Technology Ltd. | Thailand | Pathumthani | |
| | Solar Mais - Energia e Ambiente, Lda | Portugal | Lisboa | |
| Senior Program Manager | Solvay - Direction Centrale Recherche & Technologie | Belgium | Bruxelles | |
| Business Deployment Manager | Solvay Chemicals Sector | Belgium | Brussels | |
| Senior Manager | Solvay Managment Support | Germany | Hannover | |
| | Sonne, Wind & W?rme | Germany | Bielefeld | |
| | Sonne, Wind & W?rme | Germany | Bielefeld | |
| | Sonne, Wind & W?rme | Germany | Bielefeld | |
| Sales Engineer | Sorrento Electrical & Mechanical Components (Hong Kong) | P.R. China | Tsuen Wan N.T.H.K, Hong Kong | |
| Chefredakteur | Springer-VDI-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | D?sseldorf | |
| | SPS Magazin | Germany | Marburg | |
| | SPS Magazin | Germany | Marburg | |
| | SPS Magazin | Germany | Marburg | |
| Chefredakteur | SPS Magazin | Germany | Marburg | |
| Director de Desem'eMmento / Development Director | SRE - Solu??es Racionais de Energia, S.A. | Portugal | Torres Vedras | |
| Global Business Development Manager Fuel Cells and Gas Processing | Stewart Warner Heat Exchangers | USA | Indianapolis | IN |
| European Account Manager Fuel Cells and Gas Processing | Stewart Warner South Wind Corporation Dunlop Fluid Dynamics | United Kingdom | Coventry | |
| Sales promotion | Still GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Leiter Verkaufsf?rderung und Training | Still GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Mitglied der Gesch?ftsf?hrung | Still GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Presseabteilung | Still GmbH | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Manager, Sales Support | Stuart Energy | Canada | Miasissauga | ON |
| CEO and President | Stuart Energy Europe | Belgium | Oevel (Westerlo) | |
| European Program Manager | Stuart Energy Europe | Germany | Grimma | |
| Special Program Manager | Stuart Energy Europe | Germany | Grimma | |
| Sales Manager Europe | Stuart Energy Europe N.V. | Belgium | Oevel (Westerlo) | |
| Area Sales Manager | Stuart Energy Europe N.V. | Belgium | Oevel (Westedo) | |
| Director Sales & Marketing Europe Fuel Cell | S?D-Chemie AG | Germany | Bruckm?hl | |
| Service/Support/Training | Sulzer Hexis Ltd | Switzerland | Winterthur | |
| Head of Marketing & Sales | Sulzer Hexis Ltd. | Switzerland | Winterthur | |
| | Suvrema S.r.l. | Italy | Roma | |
| SeniorAdvisor | Swedish Ruihua (Group) Corporation | P.R. China | Shanghai | |
| Generalkonsul Leiter Swiss Business Hub Germany | Swiss Business Hub Germany cio Schweizerisches Generalkonsulat | Germany | Stuttgart | |
| Vice President & General Manager | TDI Europe Transistor Devices, Inc. | Ireland | Carrigtwohill, County Cork | |
| Sr. Technical Sales Engineer, Dynaload Division | TDI Transistor Devices | USA | Hackettstown | NJ |
| Program Manager AC Power Systems | TDI Transistor Devices | USA | Cedar Knolls | NJ |
| President TDI International | TDI Transistor Devices | USA | Cedar Knolls | NJ |
| Partner | Team Consulting | Norway | Notodden | |
| Manager Consultancy Division | Tebodin Czech Republic, s.r.o. | Czech Republic | Prague 8 | |
| Anwendungstechnik und Vertrieb Dichtung und Pumpenservice | Technical - Industriebedarf GmbH | Germany | B?nde | |
| Arbeitsbereichsleiter | Technische Universit?t Hamburg - Harburg | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Leitung Umwelt-und Energietechnologie Leitung Material-und Nanotechnologie | Technologie Stiftung Hessen GmbH | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| Umwelttechnik | TechnologieStiftung Hessen GmbH | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| Manager | Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | Prague 6 | |
| Director of R&D Center | Technology Development Area | P.R. China | Beijing Economic | |
| | Tecimpex GmbH | Germany | Gelsenkirchen | |
| Chairman & CEO | TEDAS - Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation | Turkey | Bah?etievler Ankara | |
| Manager, Fuel Cell Products | Teledyne Energy Systems | USA | Hunt Valley | MD |
| General Manager | Tetra A.S. | Turkey | Gayrettepe/Istanbul | |
| Technology Leader, Energy & Emissions Product Development Commercial Airplanes | The Boeing Company | USA | Seattle | WA |
| Head of Laboratory | The Boreskov Institute of Catalysis - Academy of Sciences of Russia Siberian Branch | Russian Federation | Novosibirsk | |
| European Technology Research | Toppan Printing Co. Ltd | United Kingdom | London | |
| Coordinator, Advanced Technology Department Production & Engineering Division | Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing Europe | Belgium | Zaventem | |
| Engineer Advanced Technology Department Production Engineering Division | Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing Europe | Belgium | Zaventem | |
| | Trend Research GmbH - Institut f?r Trend-und Marktforschung | Germany | Bremen | |
| Personalberatung | Tresco | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Research Dept | Tropical S.A. | Greece | Athens | |
| President | Tropical S.A. | Greece | Athens | |
| Umwelttechnik | TSH TechnologieStiftung Hessen GmbH | Germany | Wiesbaden | |
| Member of the Turkish Parliament Represeting Kayseri Member of Planning and Budget Committee | Turkish Grand National Assembly | Turkey | Bakanliklar - Ankara | |
| Deputy for Aydan | Turkiye B.M.M. | Turkey | | |
| Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources and Technology | Turkiye B.M.M. - Grand National Assembly of Turkey | Turkey | Ankara | |
| Managing Dircctor | Turnus Energy GmbH | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Managing Director | Turnus Energy GmbH | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Bauassessor Leiter Patent-Verwertungs-Agentur | TuTech Technologie GmbH - Technische Universit?t Hamburg-Harburg | Germany | Hamburg | |
| Abteilung Druckbeh?lteranlagen | T?V S?ddeutschland | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Division Manager Energy Systems | T?V S?ddeutschland | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Project Director Office of the Chief Executive Officer | Umicore AG & Co. KG | Belgium | Brussels | |
| Innovation Project Leader | Umicore AG & Co. KG | Belgium | Brussels | |
| Project Leader Hydrometailurgy | Umicore AG & Co. KG | Belgium | Olen | |
| Engineer, Fuel Processing | Umicore AG & Co. KG | Germany | Hanau- Wolfgang | |
| Vice-President & Global General, Manager | Umicore AG & Co. KG | Germany | Hanau- Wolfgang | |
| Leiter Marketing, Vertrieb & Anwendungstechnik | Umicore AG & Co. Kg | Germany | Hanau-Wolfgarrg | |
| Anwendungstechnik | Umicore Fuel Cells AG & Co. KG | Germany | Hanau- Wolfgang | |
| Responsabile Area Ufficio Studi | Unione degli Industriali della Provincia di Varese | Italy | Varese | |
| Area Ricerca, lnnovazione e Qualita | Unione degli Industriali della Provincia di Varese | Italy | Varese | |
| United Nations Consultant | United Nations - Industrial Development Organisation | Austria | Vienna | |
| | University Erlangen-Nuremberg Institute for Process Technology & Machinery | Germany | Erlangen | |
| Assistant Professor Hydrogen & FC Systems | University of Cassino - Department of Industrial Engineering | Italy | Cassino (FR) | |
| | University of Engineering - Fuel Cell Technology - Research Scholar | Pakistan | Islamabad | |
| Associate Director, BSc (Hons) MSc MBA CEng MIEE | University of St Andrews Research & Enterprise Services | United Kingdom | Scotland | |
| General Manager | UTA Auto Industrial Co., Ltd | Taiwan R.O.C. | Taiwan | |
| Head of Marketing and Sales Fuel Cells | Vaillant Gmbh | Germany | Remscheid | |
| Pressereferent / Unternehmenskommunikation | Vaillant GmbH | Germany | Remscheid | |
| Program Manager Fuel Cell Products | Vaillant GmbH - Vaillant Hepworth Group | Germany | Remscheid | |
| | Vandenborre Hydrogen Systems - A Stuart Energy Company | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| Managing Director | Vandenborre Hydrogen Systems - A Stuart Energy Company | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| Verkauf Micro GC und Analyser Key Account Manager Petrochemie | Varian Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Darmstadt | |
| Chefredakteur | VDI Verlag GmbH | Germany | D?sseldorf | |
| Stellvertretender Bereichsleiter Technik | VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH | Germany | Teltow | |
| Fachberater Productronic | VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH | Germany | Teltow | |
| Projektmanager Assistent der Hauptgesch?ftsf?hrung | VDMA Hauptgesch?ftsf?hrung | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| President | Vehicle Projects LLC | USA | Denver | CO |
| Redakteur | Verlag Moderne Industrie | Germany | Landsberg | |
| Vorstand | Versalis AG | Germany | Burghausen | |
| stellvertr. Vertriebsleiter | Vestas Deutschland GmbH | Germany | Husum | |
| General Manager | Via Arcadia, S.L | Spain | Sabadell | |
| Leiter Entwicklung Neue Technologien | Viessmann Werke | Germany | Allendorf (Eder) | |
| Entwicklung Neue Technologien | Viessmann Werke | Germany | Allendorf /Eder | |
| Generalbevollm?chtigter | Viessmann Werke | Germany | Allendorf/Eder | |
| Entwicklung Neue Technologien Projektleitung | Viessmann Werke | Germany | Allendorf (Eder) | |
| Entwicklung Sonderfahrzeuge | Volke Entwicklungsring GMBH | Germany | Wolfsburg | |
| Produktionsplanung Aggregate/Komponenten Technologieentwicklung | Volkswagen AG | Germany | Wolfsburg | |
| Grafik designer - Art Direction | Von Sch?nholtz Werbeagentur | Germany | Bodenheim | |
| Systemengineering - Wertanalyse | Vossloh Locomotives Gmbh | Germany | Kiel | |
| Senior Research Scientist, MSc. Fuel Cells | VTT CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY | Finland | VTT | |
| Journalist | VVS Forum | Sweden | Tystberga | |
| Objektleiter/Productmanager | VWEW Energievedag GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Chefredakteur/Editor in Chief | VWEW Energieverlag Gmbh | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Journalist, Projektleitung Brennstoffzelle | VWEW Energieverlag GmbH | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| Editor-in-Chief / Chefredakteur | VWEW Energieverlag GmbH - Euro Heat & Power | Germany | Frankfurt am Main | |
| | W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH | Germany | Putzbrunn | |
| | W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH | Germany | Putzbrunn | |
| Stv. Gesch?ftsf?hrer | WBzU Weiterbildungszentrum Brennstoffzelle UIm e.V. | Germany | Ulm | |
| Managing Director | WEKA AG ? Switzerland | Switzerland | B?retswil | |
| Inzenjer prodaje | WIG d.o.o | Yugoslavia | Novi Beograd | |
| President | Willstrong- Guangzhou Willstrong Building Material Co., Ltd. | P.R. China | Guangzhou | |
| Vertrieb | Witt & Sohn AG IGW Ventilatoren | Germany | Pinneberg | |
| PR & Marketing | WPD GmbH | Germany | Bremen | |
| Freier Journalist | WS - Presseb?ro f?r Technische Geb?udeausr?stung | Germany | M?nchen | |
| Managing Director | WS Reformer GmbH | Germany | Renningen | |
| Professor Senior Engineer, Vice Chief Engineer | Xi?an Senyuan Distribution Automation Apparatus Co., Ltd Xi?anSenyuan Switchgear Research Institute | P.R. China | Xi?an | |
| Manager, Research & Development Headquarters | Yamatake Corporation | Japan | Kanagawa | |
| Journalist | Yangz Daily | P.R. China | | |
| Commercieel directeur | Yourenergy Cooperatie | The Netherlands | Rotterdam | |
| Laboratory Head | YUKOS Research & Development Centre | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| Lead Specialist | YUKOS Research & Development Centre | Russian Federation | Moscow | |
| | ZBT - Zentrum f?r BrennstoffzellenTechnik GmbH Duisburg | Germany | Duisburg | |
| Elektrochemische Wasserstofftechnik | ZSW - Zentrum fur Sonnellenergle und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden W?rttemberg | Germany | Ulm Deutschtand | |
| Etektrochemische Verfahren und Modettierung | ZSW - Zentrum f?r Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-W?rttemberg | Germany | Ulm | |
| Werkzeugmachermeister / Werkstattleiter | ZSW - Zentrum fur Sonnenenergie-und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-W?rttemberg | Germany | Ulm | |
| Etectrochemical Hydrogen Technology | ZSW Zentrum f?r Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-W?rttemberg | Germany | Ulm | |
| Head of Department Electrochemical Hydrogen Technology | ZSW Zentrum f?r Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-W?rttemberg | Germany | UIm | |