Dr. Michael C. Nolan, Arecibo Observatory Director / Head of Solar System Studies
Hector Camacho, Visitor Center Director
a large limestone sinkhole provided a natural geometry for the
construction of the 305 meter reflector
the Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory (AIO) is in operation since 1963
the world largest reflector
Guided Tour underneath the Primary Reflector in SUVs
Two original radar outlets in 1:1 scale and one of the supporting concrete colums
The controllable Gregorian Dome with its subreflectors and new electronics greatly increases the capability of the telescope
Elliot González Rodríguez, Telescope Operation Staff in the Control Room, Gregorian Dome visible through window
Elliot González Rodríguez, Telescope Operation Staff
Luis Quintero from the Arecibo Observatory in the Digital Lab
The huge waveguide is leading the radar energy to the antennas through the rainforest
Impression from the backup power station (background), running on diesel (tanks to the right)