Arno was invited speaker at WREC World Renewable Energy Congress XI
in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, September 25-30 2010
Opening Ceremony Program
H. E. Mohammed Al Bowardi, Secretary General of Abu Dhabi
Executive Council & Managing Director Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi
Prof. Ali Sayigh, Chairman of WREC
H. E. Dr Hadi Azizzada, Advisor & Deputy Director General, ISESCO
Ms. Helene Pelosse, Interim Director General, IRENA
Dr. Osman Benchikh, Head of Energy Programme, UNESCO
Arno's Presentation
with the title:
Fitting it all together: On the way - to a real hydrogen society
At World Renewable Energy Congress XI and Exhibition 2010, Arno A. Evers was also promoting the Group Exhibition Hydrogen + Fuel cells at the HANNOVER FAIR 2011, April 4-8
Arno's presentation on Wednesday, September 29, 2010:
Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Intelligent Energy Systems Sessions
14:00 – 15:30 Special Technical Session S1:
Chair: Dr. Robert J. Howlett PhD, MPhil, BSc(Hons), University of Brighton, UK
and Prof Dr Kamaruzzaman Bin Sopian, Director of Solar Energy Research Institute, Malaysia
Click here to see Arno`s presentation:
Fitting it all together: On the way - to a real hydrogen society (pdf)
Arno Evers (Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR), Starnberg, Germany
Arno also visited the Hydrogen Plant of
Emirates Industrial Gases Co. Ltd ( EIGC)
at Dubai, UAE
With special thanks to Ala Osama Mikdadi, General Manger; Abhro Roychowdhury, Operations Manager and Eng. Deepak Khanna, who guided us through the EIGC plant
EIGC is a daughter company of The Refrigeration and Oxygen Company (ROC) based in Kuwait, which recently announced its partnership with Praxair, the largest industrial gases company in North and South America
The compressed hydrogen, produced by EIGC in their hydrogen plant, is awaiting delivery to their customers
Control panel for the AC/DC converter, running at 525 Ampere, 380 Volt
The electrolysers (manufactured by Teledyne Technologies Incorporated, based in Thousand Oaks, CA, USA) at the left The hydrogen is filled into the bottles after the compression process
Close-up of the electrolyser stack, illustrating the hydrogen and water pipes
Close-up of the electrolyser stack, illustrating the electrical steering device
The compression section, where the hydrogen is compressed for filling into the red bottles
Mr. Shakir Usmani, H2 Plant Engineer, checking the water recycling basin for the water splitting electroyzing process
Quality control of the bottled hydrogen, the H2 has a purity of 99.999 pc at a cylinder pressure of 2.200 psi g in this case.
The complete Programme at WREC XI, Abu-Dhabi, 2010 (pdf)
List of Invited Speakers with Presentation Titles (pdf)
Invited Speakers with CVs and Presentation Titles (pdf)
Past WRECs and WRENs:
World Renewable Energy Congress X 2008 Glasgow, Scotland, UK
July 19-25, 2008
World Renewable Energy Congress [WREN] ConferenceRenewable Energy for
Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific Region
Fremantle, Australia, February 04 - 08 2007
IX World Renewable Energy Congress Exhibition and Competition, Florence, Italy
August 19-25, 2006
World Renewable Energy Congress VIII and Expo, Denver, Colorado, USA,
August 29-September 3, 2004
More to come ... |