Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR

August 30 - September 02, 2011

Venue: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten
Muenchner Strasse 17
82319 Starnberg (Germany)

This exclusive event brings dedicated people together
networking to implement a Global Hydrogen Society,
creating a sustainable infrastructure
based on renewable energies.

The unique atmosphere of the WORKerence* guarantees 100% Networking.
The program is configured by and with the attendees
and supported by skilled moderators.

The goals of the WORKerence are straight forward:

  • To generate, innovate, and share best practices that work today
  • To identify, forecast, and share trends that will work tomorrow, including radically new products, components and its usages
  • To establish innovative business models for getting the transmission built
  • To collaborate with key game changers in industry and politics around the globe
  • To distribute the gained knowledge through a long-term strategy paper

In the course of the WORKerence we will evaluate the key challenges which face existing and emerging renewable energies technologies and determine best practices for incentivizing their decentralized integration in both public and private infrastructures and thus bringing the power sector into a new era.

Expertise and dedication is required from a very broad range of disciplines; the WORKerence is intended to bring people together who may not normally interact. Thus we actively encourage people to apply that are experts in their own research areas be it from the engineering, environmental, social, economic and political sector, financiers or just the concerned citizens as our future customers.

The final project assignment of the WORKerence is to produce a paper which outlines a viable long-term strategy. Creating a Sustainable Infrastructure based solely on Renewable Energies will after the plans adoption become the primary working tool for industry professionals worldwide and also feature as the basis of future WORKerences policy.

The WORKerence is limited to 60 attendees, so please book early to safe your place!

* This inaugural approach combines conference, workshops and forums as a single entity which we have termed a WORKerence.

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 @ Hannover Messe 2017 english

1. Klimaschutzkongress
  auf der Insel Sylt english

Arno's and Juan's
  Interview @ Hannover
  Messe 2014 english

Arnos und Juans
  Interview @ Hannover
  Messe 2014 english

Interview with Arno:
  This book is the crowning of
  my life's work english

NEU: Interview mit Arno:
  Dieses Buch ist der krönende
  Abschluss meines Lebens-
About "Our" Energy- 
  Infrastructure on the way to
  Energiewende english
Arnos Vortrag:
  Sind wir noch zu retten? deutsch
Klartext No 50 - Arno A. Evers
Energiewende auf d. Erde deutsch

Arnos EnergieGedanken jetzt auch auf YouTube! deutsch
Open letter
Offener Brief deutsch
Carta abierta deutsch
Visits at MagneGas™
Invitation to The WORKerence
Meet Arno at WREC in UAE
Arno's Blog
Innovative Messeauftritte
Customer Reviews
Arno's booth at HM 2010
Visit at DLR booth 2010
Forum presentation 2010
• Arno in the German TV
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