CV Arno A. Evers, Starnberg
Arno A. Evers, born in Hamburg, Germany in 1946, is a trained Electro-Mechanics. He worked as press officer, non-commissioned officer of the reserve of the German Air Force and organizer of innovative Group Exhibitions at leading international trade fairs. For more than two decades, Evers and his team have built up an independent background information archive that is unique in the world. Offering free graphics and reports based on his global energy research. From January 2020, Evers is building a small community in the Philippines to demonstrate, how easy it will be to supply the world's population with cheap and really clean energy in the future.
Started in 1965, he gained international experience in London and later abroad as a service technician with the British companies DECCA Navigator Ltd and DECCA Radar Ltd.
From 1969 he worked, after his second apprenticeship, at the MBB/Airbus plant, as Press Officer in Hamburg, later also at the MBB headquarters in Munich.
With the founding of his own company, Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR in the early 1990s, he laid the foundation for the conception and realization of a number of Group Exhibits at leading international trade fairs.
He and his innovative team primarily used those opportunities, to motivate exhibitors, visitors, politicians and the media alike.
His international breakthrough came in 1995 when he founded the Group Exhibit for Hydrogen + Fuel Cells, offering a unique Full-Service Package developed for this purpose at the formerly annual Hanover Fair, which under his leadership established himself as the world's largest and most international event in this area from 1995 to 2006.
In 2004, Evers and his team organized a trade fair contribution with a congress for the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology on the topic of renewable energies.
After the Exhibition was sold to Deutsche Messe AG in 2006, Evers continued to focus on the effects of the use of renewable energies on the economy, society and the environment.
Until now, he continues to visit companies, research institutions, trade fairs and congresses around the world.
Now he is building up a small community in the Philippine, in which his experiences from the 1960s until today are meaningfully summarized.
Evers is also active in social networks, especially on
With his book "The Hydrogen Society ...More Than Just a Vision?"
Evers tried to trigger the debate on the need for change in the energy infrastructure worldwide.
The Hydrogen
Society More Than Just a Vision?
by Arno A. Evers, Preface of T. Nejat Veziroglu, IAHE-President
ISBN 978-3-937863-33-7
published on April 19th, 2010 during the HANNOVER FAIR
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