Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
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Here the latest NEWS:
Arno A. Evers is back and ahead of his time again:
Founded new Hydrogen Ambassadors Global Network LinkedIn Group
Arno A. Evers, Starnberg, Germany, founder (in 1995) of the Group Exhibit Hydrogen and Fuel Cells at the Hannover Fair (HF) kept his word: On 22nd April 2010 he left the Hannover fairground and said farewell to his customers and colleagues with the following remark: "(...) I say goodbye now, but only to the Hannover Fair, not to the subject of hydrogen and fuel cells. After 16 years of hard work for the industry, I am looking for a new platform. The format of a "fair" is, at least in my opinion, being pushed to its limits. My successor Tobias Renz and his team, the Deutsche Messe AG and you, exhibitors and exhibition visitors, I wish you all the very best. If I have found a new platform, I`ll be back! Thank you for everything! (...)".
Arno A. Evers in his last day at the HANNOVER FAIR 2010, waving his customer and friends good bye
Arno A. Evers in his last day at the HANNOVER FAIR 2010, waving his customer and friends good bye Photo: Wolfgang Steche, Heidelberg, VISUM Hamburg

What now happens is this: On August 6, 2010 Evers founded the Global Hydrogen Ambassadors Network on the U.S. American social network LinkedIn ( Within just a few days over 300 active members registered already, including 37 CEOs, mostly from American companies. The list of members of the new group reads like the "who's who" of the emerging industry. Five participants come from the companies ITM Power (UK) and IdaTech (USA), four from the Linde Group, three from Hydrogenics (Canada), two each from Plug Power, Johnson Matthey, BP, Mercedes Benz USA, General Motors, AirLiquide, H2 Logic, Fuel Cell Today and Fuel Cells Market. Even representatives of Lockheed Martin (USA, air and space industry), Dantherm Power (Denmark), Nokia Siemens Network and Harvard University are already participating. And there is much more to come, says Evers.
There are twelve members from India, nine from China. Investors and recruiters meet here as well as students and interested laymen. Thus Evers found his way to continue his Hydrogen Ambassadors event which he started at the Hanover Fair 2006. The new online group achieved exactly the mixture of concerned citizen which Evers always had in mind. Everyone can contribute to the free interactive online discussions, can exchange opinions, review and add their own content. All this in a few seconds in real dialogue with real interested and informed people. A truly global network - open 24/7.
Evers in a current interview: "(...) This reminds me of the pioneering time when we first came up with ten exhibitors in the technology hall at the Hannover Fair in 1995. At that time we occupied 144 square meters exhibition space. Only a few understood, what is was all about and laughed at our activities. (...)." In the U.S. Evers often said to skeptical potential exhibitors and visitors whom he acquired for the Hannover Fair: "You keep on laughing, I keep on working!" in 2006 Evers handed over a unique fair-functional concept to his successors, the German trade fair organizer as the new operator and the company Tobias Renz as the organizer: with approx. 150 exhibitors on 1,500 sqm net area from more than 20 countries, his first endeavor in 1995 has developed into a world leading event for commercializing hydrogen and fuel cells. His „full service package“ for exhibitors, visitors, VIP`s from politics, administration and academia and also for media representatives is unsurpassed ever since. Everybody is most welcome to experience this at the next Hannover Fair, April 4-8, 2011.

The future of the new online Hydrogen Ambassadors group remains exciting. It is worth to stay tuned or even to participate yourself. Evers reports on a nice personal gesture: a CEO of a British company, even changed the image on his own LinkedIn profile once he joined the new Hydrogen Ambassadors Group. The photo shows him with orange tie at the Hannover Fair. Anyone can register free of charge to this modern Web 2.0 platform and actively participate in the discussions. This platform also serves to get interesting suggestions, to ask questions and make new contacts.

Related Links:
The Group Global Network on Linkedin Hydrogen Ambassadors:

Arno `s profile on LinkedIn:

Join LinkedIn at,
log in and search for the Hydrogen Ambassadors Global Network

german Global Hydrogen Ambassadors Network online gegründet
Quelle: Newsletter Wasserstoff, Brennstoffzelle + Elektromobilität vom 17.08.2010
Global Hydrogen Ambassadors Network
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