The International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) strives
to advance the day when HYDROGEN ENERGY will become the principal
means by which the world will achieve its long-sought goal
of Abundant Clean Energy for Mankind. Organizing the biennial
World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHEC) to provide a platform
for forming Hydrogen Energy Community, Prof. Dr. T. Nejat
Veziroglu (third from the left), President of the IAHE.
Far right: Prof. Dr. Zong Qiang MAO, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China
Dr.-Ing. Klaus Bonhoff, DaimlerChrysler South East Asia Pte
Ltd, Singapore, gives detailed information about the F-Cell
A Class
IESE Pte. Ltd, Singapore, with information about its research
in environmental science and engineering
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engeneering, Nanyang
Technology University, Singapore, shows parts of its Fuel
Cell Strategic Research Programme
The booth of Singapore Oxygen Air Liquide Pte Ldt, Singapore
- the region's largest manufacturer and distributer of industrial
Avier Lim (right), GasHub Pte Ltd, Singapore, in discussion
about their fuel cell technologies for stationary and mobile
electrical power generation
Mary-Rose de Valladares (left), IEA HIA (International Energy
Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement), USA, welcomes liaisons
with with interested groups in public and private sectors
Vahan Beibutian, H Bank Technology Inc., Taiwan (R.O.C.) explains
the safe metal-hydride based storages of his company to delegates
of the conference
Giuseppe Spazzafumo (left), University of Cassino (FR), Italy
and Graziamo Ranieri, Tour Operator Ranieri Viaggi, Italy
introduce the WHTC 2007 which wil be held in Italy, November
2007 to the delegates of the conference
Ho Agnes, School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, is proud of her
Micro Fuel Cell Samle
Dr CHAN Siew Hwa, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore,
explains the results of his Hydrogen Generation Study from
Hydrolysis of Stabilised Sodium Borohydride for Fuel Cell
WEKA AG is a leading manufacturer of cryogenic components
and level measuring instruments. Fridolin Holdener, Managing
Director, gives detailed information about the companies portofolio
at his booth at the WHTC.
BP in Singapore, with the Country’s strategic, progressive
and pro-business environment, has enjoyed rapid growth since
it started operations in 1964. It was the first oil company
to launch a hydrogen station
within a conventional service station in 2004.
Prof. Dr. Zong Qiang MAO, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
(right) and Ayfer Kale, International Association for Hydrogen
Energy, Coral Gabes, FL, USA