Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2004
Conference and Trade Show
Sep 25 - 28, 2004
Toronto, ON, Canada
The Speech of Arno A. Evers
At the podium: Damian Kettlewell, MBA, Commercialization Consultant,
hydrogen media, Vancouver, BC, Canada (left); Perry A. Sadosky,
PhD, Associate Pofessor of Economics from Schulich,
School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada (2nd
left), Hanna Linnea Hellman, M.Sc, PhD researcher, Design
for Sustainability program, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, The Netherlands (2nd right)
Arno A. Evers (left), togethet with his Chairman: Robert Tmej,
Senior Advisor, Sector Competitiveness Branch, Ministry
of Economic Development and Trade (2nd left)
"Fueling our Future: Four Steps
to a New, Reliable, Cleaner, Decentralized Energy Supply based
on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells"