Dr. Axel Horstmann
Ministry for Transport, Energy and Spatial planning
of the State Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany
Monday, April 19, 2004

Joachim Berg, Program Manager of Vaillant
GmbH (right) explains their projects of Fuel
Cell Heating Systems for households to the Minister
for Transport, Energy and Spatial planning of
the State Northrhine-Westfalia, Dr. Axel Horstmann.

Minister Dr. Horstmann also visits the booth of
to learn more about live demonstrations of FCS
1200 fuel cell systems, presented by Claude H.
Duss (middle), Company President and CEO .

At the booth of Hydrogenics,
the 50kW stationary fuel cell generator HySTAT
is introduced to Minister Dr. Horstmann.

The Minister for Transport, Energy and Spatial
planning of the State Northrhine-Westfalia listens
to Dr. Karl Klug (right), explaining the PEM Fuel
Cell Stack Test Station of Greenlight
Power Technologies.

The Director of Air
Liquide Germany, Markus Sieverding (right)
welcomes Dr. Axel Horstmann at the joint booth
of Air
Liquide and Axane.

At the Group Exhibit "Hydrogen + Fuel Cells"
Markus Sieverding and Dr. Axel Horstmann sign
a cooperation agreement between Air
Liquide Germany GmbH and the state Northrhine-Westfalia.

The Minister for Transport, Energy and Spatial
planning of the State Northrhine-Westfalia is
informed about the achievements of the Australian
Company Ceramic
Fuel Cells (CFC).