Opening Press Conference
Group Exhibit on Hydrogen +
Fuel Cells
Sunday, April 14, 02:00 p.m.
at the Forum in the center of the
Group Exhibit, Hall 13, Booth F68
At this Press Conference representatives
from relevant exhibitor groups
presented their H2/FC developments on the way to commercialization.

Arno A. Evers, Dr. Hiroyuki Tokushige, Denise Ibens,
André Martin, Ulrich-Michael Dismer, Prof. Dr.
Zong Qiang MAO, Ulrich Walter (from left to right)
Arno A. Evers, the organizer of the Group Exhibit "Hydrogen
& Fuel Cells" at the HANNOVER FAIR 2002, welcomes
his guests to the press conference. They talk about
products announced at this Exhibition and the importance
of hydrogen and fuel cells at the present time, and
in the future. For example, Mr. André Martin,
the Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Program Management
at Ballard
Power Systems (Germany), spoke about the 1,2 kW
power module and the first series-production PEM (Proton
Exchange Membrane) fuel cell power module. Now that
we can see the positive effects of this technology and
how much further we have come in the past years, it
is time for hydrogen & fuel cells to go on to a
global market.
This year, there are 96 exhibitors from 11 different
countries, presenting the latest advances in commercialization
of these new technologies.

Prof. Dr. Zong Qiang MAO
Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Chief Scientist, Hydrogen Energy Project of National
Key Fundamentals R&D Program
Prof. INET, Tsinghua University
Chairman, China Association for Hydrogen Energy (CAHE)
Director, International Association for Hydrogen Energy
Prof. Dr. Mao stated that China
has a large demand for Hydrogen powered busses and cars.
Chinese government is very open for this new technology
and supports Fuel Cell development.

André Martin
Vice-President Sales
Marketing & Program Management
Power Systems (Germany)
Martin predicts that the fuel cell technique will make
its way into the mass market much faster than most experts
think. For the transportation sector, especially, Hydrogen
infrastructure is important.

Denise Ibens
Sales Development Manager Europe
Chemical Analysis Solution Unit
Technologies GmbH
European Field Support Center
Waldbronn, Germany
Mrs. Ibens' company developed a system
for measuring Hydrogen purity, because otherwise contaminants
in the fuel supply will poison the Fuel Cell catalysts
reducing its performance.

Dr. Hiroyuki Tokushige
Deputy General Manager
Japan Steel Works, Ltd
Tokyo, Japan / Duesseldorf, Germany
Dr. Tokushige sees the steel industry
closely linked to Hydrogen applications and believes
that their metal hydrides are the best solution for
Hydrogen storage.

Ulrich-Michael Dismer
Project Manager CHP (Combined Heating Power Station)
Electronic GmbH & Co (Germany) KG
Dreieich, Germany
Mr. Dismer's company produces and sells
monitoring and controlling systems
for Fuel Cell heaters and combined heating and power
stations (CHP). He is sure that if the customers
needs are fulfilled, the market for domestic fuel
cells will be very big.

Arno A. Evers
Founder & owner of Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Arno A. Evers explained how special customer
services will make the breakthrough for the fuel

Ulrich Walter
A. Evers, FAIR-PR

Peter Hoffmann, editor
of the Hydrogen
& Fuel Cell Letter, making notes for his next

Interested journalists have participated in the opening
press conference.