h-tec Hydrogen Energy Systems
- Education
Booth No: D72/5
Monday, April 15
11:00 am
Speaker: Uwe Kueter
Portable Fuel Cells

Uwe Kueter
Founder and CEO
h-tec GmbH
Hydrogen Energy Systems

Uwe Kueter presents
the activities of both h-tec educational
company, producing Fuel Cell Models for
demonstration, and the new h-tec industrial
company, producing h2 Fuel Cells for industrial
application. They are looking for new partners
here at the Fuel Cell Group Exhibit.
here to see the Forum contribution HANNOVER FAIR '03
h-tec Hydrogen Energy Systems -
Lindenstrasse 48a
D-23558 Luebeck, Germany
the booth of h-tec Hydrogen Energy Systems - Education