Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg
Booth No: D60
Friday, April 19,
01:40 pm
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel
ZBT Duisburg - Expertise
and Goals in Research and Development
The new founded center for fuel cell technology
(ZBT Duisburg) as a new institute at the Gerhard
Mercator University of Duisburg/Germany offers
research and development activities for industrial
partners in the fields of gas processing, component
development for fuel cells, system set up and
system simulation for different applications.

Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel
Center for Fuel Cell Technology

Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel
reports on the state of the art of Fuel
Cell development and Hydrogen production.
Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg
Lotharstraße 1-21
47048 Duisburg
the booth of ZBT-Duisburg
Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg