Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc.
Booth No: G58/1
Monday, April 15
4:20 pm
Speaker: Jay B. Laskin
Company Overview of Equipment
and Services
Teledyne Energy Systems will discuss a company
overview, including
its product lines in the following areas:
- Advanced Power
- Hydrogen Generation
- Fuel Cell Test Stations
- Fuel Cells

Jay B. Laskin
Director, Marketing and Sales
Board of Directors of the National Hydrogen
Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc.

Jay B. Laskin gives
an insight on how his company developed
from generating Hydrogen for industrial
applications to producing H2 Fuel Cells
and Fuel Cell testing stations. The audience
was also very interested in his commitment
to the board of directors of the National
Hydrogen Association.
Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc.
Hunt Valley, MD
the booth of Teledyne Energy Systems, Inc.