Methanex Corporation
Booth No: E68/5
Monday, April 15
12:20 pm
Speaker: Blair Heffelfinger
Drivers to FCV Commercialization
The forum discussion will focus on an analysis
of the drivers towards fuel cell vehicle adoption.
These include, government goals, consumer needs,
automaker objectives and fuel provider objectives.
In the context of these drivers, the role that
methanol plays in fulfilling these objectives
will be discussed.

Blair Heffelfinger
Manager, Fuel Cells Canada & International
Methanex Corporation

Methanol is a widely
available, renewable, clean fuel for stationary,
portable and vehicle Fuel Cell applications.
It is a cost effective, practical way to
deliver Hydrogen to Fuel Cell systems. As
the largest methanol producer in the world,
Methanex is commited to supporting the commercialization
of Fuel Cell technologies.
Methanex Corporation
Vancouver, BC
the booth of Methanex Corporation