Monday, April 15
3:20 pm
Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Bernd Emonts Status of the development
work in the Research Center Jülich
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Emonts
Energy Process Engineering
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
Forschungszentrum Juelich
is the largest research center in Germany.
One project to highlight is a 650 W DMFC
stack operating with membrane electrolyte
assembly (MEA), which are able to operate
for three weeks in a row without degradation.
Additionally, Dr.-Ing. Bernd Edmonts presented
fuel reformers using catalyst coated monoliths
manufactured as a 3 kW unit. In addition,
he discussed the operation of a 10 kW solid
oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) using the Juelicher
type substrate concept with pure Hydrogen
and a 5.5 kW unit which uses methane.