Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical
Technology ICT
Booth No: G72/3
Friday, April 19,
10:40 am
Speaker: Dipl. Ing. Axel Kauffmann
Conductive Polymer Materials
for Bipolar Plates
The Fraunhofer ICT is developing thermoplastic
polymer compounds with electrically conductive
fillers for use as bipolar plate materials. Various
processes like extrusion, hot press molding and
injection molding are used in making bipolar plates
from these polymer compounds.

Dipl. Ing. Axel Kauffmann
Polymer Engineering

The ICT offers thermoplastic processed materials
with high electrical conductivity for bi-polar
plates. Other strong points of the ICT are
product development and Fuel Cell system
Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical
Technology ICT
the booth of Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology