Agilent Technologies Deutschland
Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis
Booth No: H58/2
Thursday, April 18
12:40 pm
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Waßerburger
Agilent Solutions for
Efficiency in Fuel Cell Development - from High-Speed
Micro GC to Online Mass Spectrometer

Dr. Andreas Waßerburger
Sales Development Gas Chromatography
Chemical Solution Business Unit
Central Europe

"Chemical Analysis for Fuel Cell Research
and Development"
Chemical measurements provide valuable information
for system design, component development
and engineering optimization for Fuel Cell
technology. Using our knowledge and expertise
in chemical analysis, Agilent has developed
instruments for the Fuel Cell industry.
Agilent is the industry leader in gas chromatography
and mass spectrometry for chemical analysis.
Our new 5000A Real-Time Gas Analyzer provides
rapid, continuous measurement of Fuel Cell
reformer and stack gases. Our 3000 micro
gas chromatograph offers Fuel Cell developers
a simple tool for chemical measurements.
These tools can speed the development, manufacturing
and support of Fuel Cell systems and components.
Agilent Technologies Deutschland
Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis
Hewlett-Packard-Str. 8
D-76337 Waldbronn
the booth of Agilent Technologies Deutschland GmbH