The Power of MagneGas™
Converting different Bio-Liquids to Renewable Power
Creating Convenience and Power Independence
In this new method, all forms of liquid biomass can be used to produce a
hydrogen-based gas, wholly unique in its properties and efficiencies, but
easier to handle than bio-liquids. As input, different sorts of liquid
biomass can be used. Municipal sewage overflow or oil-based liquids are
ideal candidates. The robust technology is capable to accept fluctuating
electrical power, like the one from wind turbines, PV, geothermal or hydro
energy. Under these conditions, this can be called a sustainable
renewable-waste--to-energy process.
In the MagneGas™ process, two carbon electrodes extend into a processing
container. The liquid flows into the space between the electrodes,
submerging them. A high energy current passes through the electrodes,
hyper heating the liquid waste, breaking it down to molecular level
(rather than simply incinerating it). MagneGas™ will be released.
The MagneGas™ Technology processes two distinct types of waste. Firstly it
converts water-based liquids such as sewage, sludge, manure and others
into MagneGas™. Here a secondary output of sanitized water and carbon
residues can also be used. The second, similar process can be used for all
oil-based liquid biomass. In this case, additional outputs will be carbon
briquettes, which are potentially useful in fertilizer manufacturing.
The MagneGas™ Technology, developed over many years in a Tampa, Florida
startup company, is suitable for Hydrogen separation, which will be
certified soon.
Additionally, it is highly potential to be used in many residential and
transportation usages to increase the efficiency of our global energy
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