Hydrogen and Fuel Cells on their way to commercialisation
Today’s path to produce hydrogen, and its distribution, storage and utilization is following the line of more or less conventional and known technologies. Starting from primary energies like coal, fossil fuels, natural gas or wind energy, hydrogen is produced by means of electrolysers or reformers. It can also be made from solar energy. Fluctuating wind energy, as well as fluctuation photovoltaic, has to be handled with care. It will than be transported either liquid, gaseous or stored in metal hybrid tanks and finally used in fuel cells to produce electricity for mobile, transport and stationary applications.
The “advanced” way (slide 3) of looking at the sources, production, distribution, storage and utilization of hydrogen with a new approach needs at least one new feature in each of the above stages to come to a final worldwide “breakthrough”, which has been the goal of thousands of scientists, physicians, chemists, researchers, engineers and craftsmen worldwide for decades. When analyzing the whole matter neutral, holistic and optimistic, we only need to go the new way (slide 4).
(Source: Int’l Journal Hydrogen Energy 2005; Own Research over decades, last in April 2107)
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