Global applications of Personal Power Providers (3P+)
Scientists, designers, engineers, craftsmen and people in education, administration, media and governmental positions, including politicians, - but also the final consumers - must be able to identify and overcome the obstacles in the bad efficiency of our existing electricity system. This will lead us to a new, global perspective regarding the production, distribution and use of energy.
Such a new procedure would be the implementation of Personal Power Providers (3P+), scalable from mW to MW, which can be used as collection and storage devices for hydrogen, utilizing fuel cells to produce electricity, heat and domestic water. Downscaled by nanotechnologies, it can be implemented into the daily life as Virtual Power Plants. The Personal Power Providers (3P+) can be installed in family houses, small enterprises, public facilities and small villages where they form a cluster of decentralised energy systems. They could also be carried on the body so that electrical equipment can be recharged at any time. As a result, the Personal Power Providers (3P+) are the key for decentralised, personalized mass-markets. The user and the producer of energy must become one in the same! In the end, the overall efficiency of such new, distributed Power Supplies is far better than all of today’s existing energy systems! Personal Power to the People!
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