可更新能源技术在中国—氢能源/燃料电池, 11月4日—11月9日上海国际工业展会
中国科技部展厅 (简称MOST)
地点: 上海浦东国际博览中心
Meeting Point Renewable Energies China incl. Hydrogen + Fuel Cells,
November 4-9
At the booth of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center, Pudong
Specialities to be observed in China:
Please keep in mind:
Every experience has to be made by yourself!
First steps of a business relationship
Time and resources required to get to know your
partner and his status
Build up a personal network to create a long time
and fruitful cooperation
Spend leisure time together – it has the
same importance as business time
Gifts underline the importance of the "friendship
business relationship"
Show interest in the Chinese culture, history and
people - it is worth it
Different mentalities and cultures
Different mentalities on both sides, based on different
To reach a mutual target one party has to adjust
to the mentality of the others
Don`t try to merge your mentality with the Chinese
- it won´t work
Don`t forget also the Western behaviour can be
confusing for the Chinese
These experiences can be made during business meetings,
at lunch/dinner
To start working together with Chinese you need
Be aware that everything can be changed within
Be open for "surprises", most of them
are posititve and understandable
New business partners can be introduced at any
time - they are important
Time schedules are only a guideline - sometimes
they remain secret
Patience and politeness in China
Patience is needeed – it takes time to create
harmony and understanding
Small talk is just a test phase, same applies to
eating together
Avoid argumentative discussions humour and irony,
they may be confused
Don`t worry about "created excuxes" -
can be protective for both sides
Observe sensitivelly the hirachies in China - important
for mutual respect