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Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Fueling Our Future: Setting the Stage for the Coming Hydrogen Economy
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#1 Title
#2 Contents
#3 Fuel Cell Applications (Stationary/Mobile/Portable)
#4 Still on Probation or Ready for Take-Off ?
#5 Implementation time of new Products (I)
#6 Implementation time of new Products (II)
#7 Implementation time of new Products (III)
#8 Not Technical Possibilities but Consumer Demand
#9 Why do Customers buy new Products?
#10 Four steps to a new reliable, cleaner and decentralized Energy Supply based on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
#11 Revolution in the Garage (I)
#12 Revolution in the Garage (II)
#13 Revolution in the Garage (III)
#14 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (I)
#15 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (II)
#16 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (III)
#17 European Map: 12MW Stationary, 27 Buses
#18 EUROPE: Some EU policy actions
#19 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (VI)
#20 CHINA: Scientific Research Foundation
#21 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (I)
#22 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (II)
#23 Chinese market impressions
#24 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#25 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#26 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#27 Impressum

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Fuel Cell technology has been on worldwide probation for the last 30 years. Billions of US $ – both from Private finance and Governmental funds - have already been invested. Adoption was announced several times, but often postponed. There are two critical issues to bear in mind. First, how long will it take for H2/FC to become commercial? Second, will H2/FC be on probation for another 30 years?