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Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Fuel Cells:
Unlocking the Potential for Unknown Future Use
#0 Abstract
#1 Title
#2 Contents
#3 Fuel Cell Applications (Stationary/Mobile/Portable)
#4 Still on Probation or Ready for Take-Off ?
#5 Implementation time of new Products (I)
#6 Implementation time of new Products (II)
#7 Implementation time of new Products (III)
#8 Not Technical Possibilities but Consumer Demand
#9 Why do Customers buy new Products?
#10 World motor-vehicle production
#11 Four steps to a new reliable, cleaner and decentralized Energy Supply based on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
#12 Revolution in the Garage (I)
#13 Revolution in the Garage (II)
#14 Revolution in the Garage (III)
#15 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (I)
#16 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (II)
#17 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (III)
#18 European Map: 12MW Stationary, 27 Buses
#19 EUROPE: Some EU policy actions
#20 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (VI)
#21 CHINA: Scientific Research Foundation
#22 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (I)
#23 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (II)
#24 Chinese market impressions
#25 Telecommunications, Media and Usage by region
#26 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#27 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#28 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#29 Impressum
#30 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
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Illustration of Strategic Alliances and relationship to Mass Production. To achieve early market entry, it is first necessary to make the consumer excited and eager to use the new services provided by the H2/FC technology. They must be motivated and be given certain incentives: personal advantages, product reliability and usefulness. Only when these factors are guaranteed, will the price, at least in the beginning, play a less important role. This means the more expensive the product/service is, the more chances the early adopters will buy this “luxury”. In addition, entrepreneurs involved in R&D, production & marketing of H2/FC services must also be motivated and stand firmly behind their vision. Commitment and belief in their technology will play a critical role in the early stages of fuel cell commercialisation. Strong efforts are needed in convincing the politicians, the media, and the involved companies that H2/FC is a viable solution for the growing energy demand. Raising energy security concerns and the impact of global pollution will additionally support the implementation. These general conditions will lead to worldwide mass-production and make H2/FC’s appearance in the marketplace, sooner rather than later.