Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Your new Format: • Hydrogen Consulting • One-to-One

Hydrogen + Fuel Cells - Game Changers or eternal Promises?

You want to re-direct your career in a sustainable and growing field, but need advice from an long-time insider to avoid the pitfalls?
You want to start your own business, but do not want to waste the next 10 years in searching the internet?
Your company is looking to expand into renewable energy, but you need expertise & live-communication on the current and upcoming players?
You want your new or existing real estate project to be state-of-the art when it comes to renewable energy, but you need support from an expert?

Arno A. Evers is here to guide and coach you through this!

Take part in our new Format: Get your individual online One-to-One Consultation now!

  • Insights on Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, which the internet does not give you
  • Who and where are the real innovators, who is just a "me too"
  • Which applications & technologies are on the rise, what is an old hat, only kept alive by subsidies.
  • What's in it for YOU and your personal development.

Contact and Booking:

Free first introduction and familiarization session of 20 minutes.
Then you decide: Every following session of 60 minutes: 200 € or $
If you order a block of 5 hours, you get a 10% discount, with a block of 10 hours there will be a 20% discount.
The hours can be divided individually.

Payment in advance via Western Union (Credit Cards can be used for that from most countries).
Or to either a German or a Philippine Bank account.
I am now in Davao, in The Philippines, which is on Beijing time zone: China Standard Time (CST), UTC +8, The consultations can be done at your convenience, also on weekends and at night, I am flexible here.

Now is the best time for a personal self investment, gaining more first-hand background information on hydrogen. Let us connect the dots, opening up new perspectives. And getting new personal bearings. All individually and live One-to-One from an experienced person!

  Latest News:
Arno's Interview
 @ Hannover Messe 2017 english

1. Klimaschutzkongress
  auf der Insel Sylt english

Arno's and Juan's
  Interview @ Hannover
  Messe 2014 english

Arnos und Juans
  Interview @ Hannover
  Messe 2014 english

Interview with Arno:
  This book is the crowning of
  my life's work english

NEU: Interview mit Arno:
  Dieses Buch ist der krönende
  Abschluss meines Lebens-
About "Our" Energy- 
  Infrastructure on the way to
  Energiewende english
Arnos Vortrag:
  Sind wir noch zu retten? deutsch
Klartext No 50 - Arno A. Evers
Energiewende auf d. Erde deutsch

Arnos EnergieGedanken jetzt auch auf YouTube! deutsch
Open letter
Offener Brief deutsch
Carta abierta deutsch
Visits at MagneGas™
Invitation to The WORKerence
Meet Arno at WREC in UAE
Arno's Blog
Innovative Messeauftritte
Customer Reviews
Arno's booth at HM 2010
Visit at DLR booth 2010
Forum presentation 2010
• Arno in the German TV
  Arno on LinkedIn
Arno A. Evers • Imprint / Contact