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Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Fuel Cells:
Unlocking the Potential for Unknown Future Use
#0 Abstract
#1 Title
#2 Contents
#3 Fuel Cell Applications (Stationary/Mobile/Portable)
#4 Still on Probation or Ready for Take-Off ?
#5 Implementation time of new Products (I)
#6 Implementation time of new Products (II)
#7 Implementation time of new Products (III)
#8 Not Technical Possibilities but Consumer Demand
#9 Why do Customers buy new Products?
#10 World motor-vehicle production
#11 Four steps to a new reliable, cleaner and decentralized Energy Supply based on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
#12 Revolution in the Garage (I)
#13 Revolution in the Garage (II)
#14 Revolution in the Garage (III)
#15 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (I)
#16 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (II)
#17 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (III)
#18 European Map: 12MW Stationary, 27 Buses
#19 EUROPE: Some EU policy actions
#20 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (VI)
#21 CHINA: Scientific Research Foundation
#22 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (I)
#23 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (II)
#24 Chinese market impressions
#25 Telecommunications, Media and Usage by region
#26 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#27 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#28 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#29 Impressum
#30 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
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The future of an H2/FC economy will not be dependent on the replacement of existing energy-powered products, but rather in products and/or services unknown today which will benefit our daily life tomorrow. Because of the “added value” benefits of these new products and/or services, this development is going to happen sooner than many “experts” think today. All new appliances in the past were luxury goods in the beginning. They had their breakthrough due to the fact they improved the consumer’s daily life by added convenience. Some examples including year of invention: Matches (1827), Refrigerator (1850), Elevator (1857), ICE (1860), Telephone (1876), Record Player (1877), Lamp (1878), Automobile (1885), Camera (1887), Aircraft (1891), Radio (1894), Movies (1895), Television/Aspirin (1897), Loudspeaker (1898), Razor (1901), Vacuum Cleaner (1901), Air Conditioning (1902), Copy machine (1904), Washing Machine (1906), Computer (1977) Figure 2: Consumers on the move.