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Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Fueling our Future: Setting the Stage for the Coming Hydrogen Economy
#0 Abstract
#1 Title
#2 Contents
#3 Still on Probation or Ready for Take-Off ?
#4 Implementation time of new Products (I)
#5 Implementation time of new Products (II)
#6 Implementation time of new Products (III)
#7 Home appliance ownership in every 100 Shanghai, P.R. China families
#8 Not Technical Possibilities but Consumer Demand
#9 Why do Customers buy new Products?
#10 Evolution of the Cellular Phone 1983-2004
#11 Evolution in the Aircraft Industry 1903-2005 (I)
#12 Evolution in the Aircraft Industry 1903-2005 (II)
#13 Evolution in the Aircraft Industry 1903-2005 (III)
#14 World motor-vehicle production incl.
P.R. China 1900-2010
#15 New Players on the Chinese Automotive Market (I)
#16 New Players on the Chinese Automotive Market (II)
#17 New Players on the Chinese Automotive Market (III)
#18 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (I)
#19 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (II)
#20 European Map: 12MW Stationary, 27 Buses
#21 EUROPE: Some EU policy actions
#22 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal (III)
#23 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (I)
#24 CHINA: 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-2005) (II)
#25 Go to where the Market is
#26 Necessary Conditions to reach the final Goal:
Mass Demand will drive Mass Production
#27 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#28 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
#29 Impressum
#30 Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells HANNOVER FAIR
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Fueling our Future: Setting the Stage for the Coming Hydrogen Economy

  Arno A. EVERS
Founder, Arno A. Evers FAIR-PR
Achheimstr. 3, 82319 Starnberg – Germany - arno@hydrogenambassadors.com - www.hydrogenambassadors.com


As we examine various market strategies, this outlook demonstrates the possible driving factors and necessary elements needed to move Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (H2/FC) to commercialisation. Rather than focusing on the technology itself, the presentation looks at the “bigger picture” comparing how certain trends have impacted the progress of new technologies developments in the past and how these models can be applied to our present day situation. In this process, the consumer has played and will continue to play the key and leading role. And due to such strong influence, the consumer will ultimately fuel the future of H2/FC commercialisation by a desire for new and not yet discovered products & services. Future products & services powered by Hydrogen and Fuel Cells. One possible step towards realising the H2/FC Economy could be the use of Personal Power Cars equipped with a Fuel Cell which not only drive on Hydrogen, but also supply (while stationary) electricity /heat to residential and commercial buildings. Exploration of this “revolution in the garage” perspective and a further outlook of current H2/FC activities/initiatives in Europe and China are also explained.

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